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"Wait, how does this work?" Logan asks, frowning. Hogun's sister, Asta, sends him a patient smile. "You're going in his head to get to Ophelia's head?" 
        "In a way." Asta replies. "I will use my magic to enter Loki's subconscious while he sleeps to access his dreams. While in there, I will attempt to locate the bond between him and Lady Winters and use it to reach her dreams. If we can achieve that, we can speak to her and figure out more information as to where she might be." She glances at her brother. "Hogun will be coming with us to act as a second anchor. Normally Loki and I would be enough, but with us attempting to go into a mind so far away, I'd rather be cautious than accidentally lose us." Logan nods, processing the information. 
        "You sure he's the best second anchor?" Logan asks, pointing at Hogun. Asta nods, still smiling.
        "Despite my brother taking the Warrior's path in life, our parents did drill some of the basics of dream walking into him. He would be able to help pull us out." She explains. "There is no need to worry." 
        "There's a lot riding on this." He mutters, glancing my direction. "Has anything else happened?" I roll my eyes, resisting the urge to shout. I wanted to get on with this, to reach Ophelia, and this was just holding things up.
        "She was beaten earlier, so if you don't mind I'd rather begin than be held up by more questions." I snap.
        "She was beaten? Why didn't you say anything?" The Captain stands, lookin angry.
        "It isn't like we can do anything to help her from here, Captain, save for actually trying this. So, if it's all the same to you all," I glance around the room, daring the group to argue, "I'd like to begin." No one argues this time, and Asta looks to me. 
        "Is there somewhere you'd like to lay down?" She asks. Before I can say anything, Stark interrupts.
        "He can take the couch. I want to know what happens the second you all come out of whatever magic voodoo you're doing." He orders. I grit my teeth, ignoring the others as I move to the couch and lay down. Asta and Hogun both follow, exchanging a look before Asta pulls a pillow from the armchair, quickly placing it by the couch and kneeling on it. She sends me a soft smile.
        "Ready?" I nod once, and she takes her brother's hand, pulling him down to kneel next to her. I feel her soft touch on my head, the magic soothing as it pulses through me, luring me to sleep. 
        It doesn't take more than a few seconds for my eyes to close, only for them to open in a dream. I was in the middle of my mother's private garden on Asgard, the flowers in full bloom. 
        "This is beautiful." I turn sharply, whirling to see Asta and Hogun. 
        "Do you see the bond?" I ask, not bothering to deal with any pleasantries. She glances around, and I watch tendrils of her magic reach out. 
        "It isn't here." She holds out her free hand, the other still holding Hogun's. I take it, knowing there wasn't time to argue. Flashes of my dreams fly past in a dizzying array of colors without warning, and after only a second do we stop. I blink slowly, my eyes darting around, realizing within a second where we are. I whirl on Asta, ripping my hand from hers. 
        "Is this some sort of joke? We need to get to the bond. I don't need you doing anything-"
        "I can feel it." She whispers, cutting me off. Her eyes hadn't left the rocky path ahead, even when I had started speaking. "It's through there, but I can't get past your mental block." 
        "If you can't get past a simple mental block, are you really skilled enough to be going near anyone's mind?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. She sighs, frowning. 
        "It isn't that I can't, it's that you formed this one with magic. It's just a mental block, but your magic is more powerful than mine." She explains. "I could try, but it would take much of the magic I have." I glance towards the rocky path. "You need to lower the wall so we can go through to get to the bond." 
        There isn't any decision to be made. I was going to get to Ophelia, even if it meant going through those memories again. I focus on Hogun and Asta.
        "I need both of you to give me your word, you will not speak of anything you witness in there." I finally reply, eyeing them both. 
        "Of course." Asta immediately agrees, though Hogun hesitates. 
        "You have my word." Hogun replies after a moment. I knew I was no longer any sort of prince to any of them, and that their word may easily break, but there was no time. I nod once, turning and walking forward, Asta and Hogun on my heels. 
        It doesn't take long to move down the rocky path, and soon we're on that all too familiar dais. Asta gasps at the sight, though Hogun stays as silent as he was trained too. 
        "Submit!" The familiar, harsh voice makes my skin crawl, and it takes everything I have not to flinch at the crack of the whip. I keep moving, though this time it takes a few seconds to hear their footsteps follow, another crack of the whip splitting the air. This time, I can't help the small flinch. 
        We pass three more scenes like that, the different area's of torture never failing to make Asta gasp. It's the last one that I don't want anyone seeing, that almost makes me stop as we come upon it. The titan himself is there, in his throne, the dark order in their places on either side. The familiar scepter is in his hand, and I watch as it touches my own forehead. 
        "You have a strong will, Odinson. I do wish I hadn't had to break it." I feel sick as I watch the memory of myself rise, eyes glowing blue. "Go. Invade Midgard. Rule." My memory self nods once.
        "It's... it's there. The bond." Asta points to my left, where a warm light was pulsing from the cliff face. I nod once, moving towards it, not looking at either of them. I feel Asta retake my hand the closer we get, tendrils of her magic moving towards the light. The light and Asta's pale magic swirl together, moving as one. "Now." Asta whispers, pulling Hogun and I forward. "I can feel her." 
        The closer we get, it's as if the light reaches out, a warmth enveloping me, pulling me closer.
        For a few moments, there's nothing but the warm light and Asta's hand in mine. It's peaceful, like a breath of fresh air after walking out of hell. 
        Then the light is gone, and I have to blink for my eyes to adjust to the change in light. It's the now familiar Earth sun, a blue sky high above us, cloudless. Far to my left, over several rolling hills, is an unfamiliar city. I look to my right, and the only thing that was taking away from the scenery was a single truck, pulled to the side of the road at the  bottom of a hill. 
        "She's there, dreaming."Asta points up the hill. I move quickly, not caring that my hand slipped from Asta's. It only feels like a minute or two to reach the top, and when I do, it feels like my heart stops. 

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