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An email came through with a red flag, subject line reading URGENT in all caps. I frown before opening it. It was from Nat. If it was so important, why not just come tell me? 

           I glance at Loki, who is sitting on the bench in his cell, lost in thought. I knew the reason she was emailing me.

          The email was short and to the point, like every email or text Nat sent. I frown when I read it though. She was telling me to leave Loki's cell tomorrow at a certain time. I send her back an email asking why, realizing she was asking me to leave in a little under twenty four hours. I wasn't supposed to leave Loki alone. She had better have a good reason.

             I look up at Loki again while I wait, and I'm startled when I find him looking back at me. He raises an eyebrow questioningly. I give him a look, dating him to ask. He does, not caring a bit. "Is there something that interests you?" He asks, glancing around his cell.

             "Yes, actually." He looks surprised by that, so I continue. "I'm trying to figure out how such a large ego can fit in such a skinny man." He rolls his eyes, and I smirk.

             "Do you always make such ridiculous quips?" He counters, making my smirk grow.

              "Only if they get a rise out of you, honey." He rolls his eyes again." Keep rolling your eyes and they'll roll out of your head." I say, and he scoffs.

               "That's ridiculous." I shrug. His blue-green eyes peer at me for a moment, and my smirk changes into a frown as I think. Turning quickly, I type into the computer, pulling up files. I pull headphones out of my bag, plugging them into the computer when I notice a video attached to one of the files. I click play, not paying any attention to Loki, who I know is watching me curiously. 

              Footage from the compound where the tesseract was being held begins to play, and I watch as it shows Loki arriving, and everyone watching his arrival. I watched as he slaughtered a few agents, and finally caught Clint. I waited until he had his spear on Clint's heart to stop the video. I slowed it down and zoomed in. SHEILD had high tech security cameras, and for that I was glad. It gave me a pretty clear picture, and I needed to see. To check. To be sure.

            I played the video in slow motion, and I watched as Clint's eyes went from their normal color to black, and then to an electric blue. I stopped there, studying the color. 

            I stand quickly, moving towards Loki. He looks startled as I move towards him. I stop when I'm on the side of the cell he is on. He stands, watching me curiously, eyes narrowed. "What are you doing?" He asks. I don't answer, searching his eyes.

            I let out a loud curse, startling Loki when I turn on my heel, nearly running towards the door that led out of the room. I pushed at the door to open it faster, and took off down the hallway. "Don't let him escape!" I shout at the startled guards standing at the door. I don't miss the confused look they exchange, but I don't see anymore, as I turn a corner.

            Knowing this Helicarrier like the back of my hand was an advantage, and I was on the main deck within a few minutes. I probably looked slightly insane, but that was okay. 

            "Winters." Fury looks at me surprised. "What are you doing? You're supposed to be guarding-"

             "Where's Thor?" I cut him off, my tone hard. He raises his eyebrow.

             "I'm not sure of Thor's whereabouts at the moment." He replies evenly. "Winters, what are you-"

             "Hey!" I exclaim loudly, making everyone in the room look up. "Who knows where Thor is?" No one answers. "Oh c'mon ladies. His arm is as big as my head. You aren't going to forget those muscles, so where did you last see him?" After a long, awkward moment of silence, one of the technicians raises her hand tentatively. "This isn't school." I say, and she sends me a sheepish smile. "Where did you see him?"

            "I just got back from my lunch. I saw him in the cafeteria." She says.

            "Thank you!" I exclaim happily. "Fury, give her a bonus. I'll be back."

            "Winters!" I run out of the room, avoiding agents as I maneuver through the hallways. I get strange looks that I ignore. It wasn't like I didn't get strange looks when I was just walking through these hallways. 

             When I burst into the cafeteria, it takes me a second to realize it was almost completely empty. Thor wasn't in sight, either. There were a few agents at random tables, and someone walking towards me. Captain America. I curse again, and the Captain looks surprised. "Um, hi. Ophelia, right?" He asks, sticking out his hand. 

            "Yeah. Excuse me if I don't shake your hand at the moment." He looks confused for only a split second before realization crosses his face. 

             "Right. Sorry." I just shake my head, telling him to let it go.

              "Thor. I need to find Thor. Have you seen him Captain Rogers?" The Cap blinks in surprise. 

               "He just left. Looked like he was heading towards the lab-"

               "Thank you!" I say quickly, cutting him off as I leave the cafeteria and run that direction.

               "Wait, what? What's going on?" Steve calls out. I hear his footsteps behind me as he follows, keeping up easily. I turn a corner and see Thor.

                "Thor!" The large man turns at the sound of his name, looking confused. "Thor, I need to talk to you."

                "Lady Winters?" He asks, confused. I skid to a halt in front of him and I hear Steve stop behind me.
                "Ophelia, what's going on?" Steve asks. "You're supposed to be with Loki, right? Do we need to be concerned?" I hold up a finger, motioning for him to give me a minute to speak.
                "What color are Loki's eyes?" I ask seriously, looking at Thor. He frowns.
                "Lady Winters-"
                "Thor, you grew up with him. You have to know this. What color are his eyes." He gives me another strange look and glances at Steve. I don't bother, knowing Steve probably looked just as confused. "Thor, humor me here. I've got an idea." He nods after a long moment.
                "Our mother used to say that Loki's eyes were the deepest green she'd ever seen. That there had never been a color like that on a person before. That it showed his true colors." Thor says evenly.
               "Green." I say after a second. "Not blue green." Thor frowns.
                "No." He says after a moment. I smile.
                "Not green and tesseract blue?" I ask, emphasizing tesseract. Thor blinks, and I see realization cross his face. I smile, as does he. Steve, on the other hand, looks confused.
                "We have to tell Director Fury." Thor exclaims, and I nod.
                "This way." I begin running back through the hallways, making my way back to Fury. I come back onto the deck, and He turns angrily. He's glaring at me.
                "Winters, what do you think-"
                "I think I know why Loki is doing what he's doing." I say quickly, cutting him off for the upteenth time today. Fury frowns at that, motioning me to continue. "Loki's eyes." I say quickly. "I watched the security footage from the compound again. When Loki brainwashes Clint, Clint's eyes change to the same color as the tesseract."
                "And?" Fury asks.
                "And, Loki's eyes are green and tesseract blue." I finally reveal. Fury frowns. "Thor just confirmed for me, Loki's eyes are naturally green, not green-blue."
                "You think he's being influenced?" Fury asks, sounding skeptical. I nod. "Thor?" Fury asks, turning to the large Asgardian.
                "It makes sense." Thor allows. "The Loki I know would never do anything like this. He would never act this way. No one knew he was alive for over a year. We have no way of knowing what happened during the time Loki was missing."
                "Is it even possible?" Steve speaks up.
                "I do not know the extent of Loki's staff's power. It might be." Thor replies. Fury lets out a long breath.
                "Alright. Thor, fill in Coulson. See if he can come up with anything. Ophelia, you go back to guard duty."
                "What? No-"
                "Now Ophelia." I glare at him for a long moment before turning angrily on my heel, moving back towards Loki's cage.
                It was time to see if I could get any information out of him.

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