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Watching Loki 24/7 was killing me slowly, I was sure of it. And it hadn't even been a full day yet. There was nothing to do in here, and he hadn't yet asked to go to the bathroom again. I think he had realized I was going to make him say please, but come on. Would it kill him? If they had bathrooms on Asgard, then there had to be a reason. Whatever the alternative was, it couldn't be good. Or sanitary, for that matter.

        I was currently leaning back in my office-like chair, tossing my stress ball up in the air before catching it. I only say office-like because it was bolted to the floor. Otherwise, I would probably be rolling around the room.

        Loki didn't exactly provide much entertainment. He mostly just.... Sat in his cell. He had gotten up and paced a few times, but other than that, he hadn't done much. Oh, but let's not forget him staring at me. I would feel the hairs on the back of my neck raise, a sign that someone was watching me, and I'd turn to see him doing just that. 

        When breakfast had been carted in, I had been more cautious. Loki didn't try anything though, not even glancing at me as I slid the tray in. The routine was repeated at lunch. We just ignored each other while we ate, him.... Staring off into space. I normally read my book while I ate. Loki got the same food almost every meal, and I received a variety of things. I would say I felt sorry for him, but I didn't. He was threatening the entire world. He could suffer through bland food. 

        I catch my stress ball with a sigh, my brain buzzing. When I was bored, I thought too much. My brain never shut up. "Hey." I toss the stress ball at the cage, and it bounces back into my hands. The thud of the ball against the cage makes him look up, raising an eyebrow.

        "What do you want?" He asks in a condescending tone. I shrug.

        "I'm bored." I reply. "So why did you go all, you know, I need to be king?" I ask. "With your whole, ruling us puny mortals concept." I bounce the ball off his cage again as I wait, him staring at me with a slightly.... Confused look.

        "That is none of your concern." He replies coldly. Any confusion leaves his expression, and it goes back to one of boredom.

        "It may not be any of my concern, but what else are you going to do? Sit there? I'm giving you a chance to do something Honey." His eyebrows crinkle together just slightly as he studies me, looking for something.

        "Ah, I see. This is your interrogation, is it?" He asks with a quiet, cool laugh. I shrug.

        "Nope. I'm not the best at interrogations. I mean, I could interrogate you if I wanted, but it doesn't mean I would get anything." He continues to stare at me. "Seriously! Aren't you the God of lies or something? Can't you tell if I'm lying?" I pause, cocking my head to the side. "I mean, if you can't that would make you a pretty crappy God of lies. And mischief, now that I think about it." I shrug again. "Ah, well. Now one said you were particularly good at what you do. I mean, look at where you are now." 

        "I am perfect at what I do, you wench." I seemed to have pressed a button. 

        "Wench? I can't tell if that's above or below being called a pathetic mortal." I muse. I plop my feet up on the desk, throwing the ball at his cage again. 

        "Stop that." He hisses as I catch the ball.

        "Stop what?" I toss the ball again. He sends a glowering look towards me.

        "Tossing that ball at the cage." I smirk, then toss it again.

        "It's like at a pet store." I laugh. "With the, "do not tap the glass. It scares the fish" signs." I hesitate before tossing the ball again, an idea forming in my head. I set it down on the desk, grabbing my notebook and sharpie from my bag. I use the tape when I finish writing, tearing the page out of the book. I hop down from my desk area, moving straight for the section of glass everyone sees when they first walk in.

        "What are you doing?" He asks, and I can hear the mild curiosity on his voice. Most of it is just frustration though.

        "Well, if the fish at the pet store get a sign, I figure you should too." I reply, taking a step back and admiring my work. 'DO NOT TAP GLASS. IT SCARES LOKI.' Is now proudly hanging on the cage. 

        I smile, once at the paper, and then at Loki. His glare is completely steady. I just turn, going back to my desk and resuming my position. Leaning back in the chair, feet on the desk, ball repeatedly being tossed at the cage. I notice him looking at my bare feet.

        "I don't like shoes." I say, making him look up at me. "They annoy me. I don't know why, they just do. I only wear them when I'm forced." 

        "You're a.... Peculiar creature." He murmurs. I smile.

        "Now see, I know peculiar creature is above pathetic mortal." His face changes from that slight curiosity back to his normal hard gaze. I glance down, noticing the time on my phone. "Do you have to go to the bathroom yet? Because it's been almost a full twenty four hours since you got here." He doesn't reply, hard gaze moving into a full out glare. That makes my smile grow. "You know all you have to do is say please..."

        Something in his face changes. He straightens on the bench, keeping his eyes on me as he stands in one fluid motion. "If it wouldn't be a bother, I would like to be escorted to your bathroom on this ship." He pauses, tilting his head. "At your convenience, of course." I raise an eyebrow, standing myself and walking up to the cage. I could almost look him in the eye, being only about four or five inches shorter than him. There was something in his eye. His expression was so innocent, so pure. His eyes... They weren't. There was something in them. Something that screamed deceit.

        I didn't know what he was trying to do, but I wasn't going to fall for it. Not this time, not ever. You couldn't trust someone who could throw up a fake personality like that.

        "Well you crafted some pretty words there honey." I say, crossing my arms over my chest, a smirk growing on my face. "But... Unfortunately...." I trail off, shaking my head. "None of them were please." I couldn't help but laugh at the scowl that took over his face.
        I had a feeling that this was going to continue for a long while.

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