Chapter Eight

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"What do I need?" Heather asked, going through her wardrobe were few and far between.

"I have heard it is warmer. Shorts and bikini?" a voice suggested behind her, with a tinge of hope.

Yeah, right, like that was going to happen. "Not in this lifetime. One piece."

"Sexy." She peered across at the man leaning against the open bedroom door frame, arms crossed. "Ah," he ambled across the room, sitting down on her bed as he pointed at his photo on the bedside table. "I am so honoured. Do you kiss me goodnight?" He shifted closer, examining the frame for evidence.

"Saleem," she growled. "No." If even she did, she wouldn't tell him. The truth of the matter,  she was kissing the real thing.

Stretching back out on her bed, he placed hands behind his head, crossing his legs at the ankles. "Why should you when you can kiss this?" circling his face with a hand. There was no need for him to sound so smug, shoving his ankles aside.

"Keep going and I would stay here," she threatened, shoving more things into a suitcase open on the bed beside him.

"Do you want to add the photo?" he asked, his eye hooded and smirking.

"No." Once finished, she closed the case and zipped it up. "I guess I can buy what I need," she sighed.

"Or I..." that died in his throat as she pointed at him. Picking up the suitcase by the handle, she placed it beside the bed, then went into the bathroom, shoving what she needed into an overnight bag. Four weeks, and had no clue what she needed for that length of time. There had been no time to plan for this unexpected trip.

"I guess I can take more than one bag?" she asked hopefully.

"As many as you like," came from the other room.

She popped out of the small bathroom, gleaming. He was propped up onto his side, upon his elbow, also one leg up. "No weight limit?"

"No limit," he promised, as she darted back in. "Also bring your passport."

"What?" She rushed back in, wide-eyed. "Why do I need my passport?"

Carefree, he shrugged. "One never knows what can happen at short notice, and you do have four weeks with me, wherever I go." How could she argue with that? Grabbing another bag, she packed it with books. Saleem eyed them off. "Don't you have one of those electronic book device thingies?"

Heather headed for the side bedroom table, opened the bottom, and removed a leather folder. "Kindle? I like the feel of paper between my fingers, especially Cherry's books." Slipping off the bed, Saleem picked up the bag, going lopsided, as she turned around. "Ha, ha, you are so funny, not," Claiming her handbag she shoved the folder into, then reached for the larger suitcase.

"Leave it," he reached across to take hold of it.

"Are you allowed to do that?" she asked. "I'm sure you're worth a few dollars."

"Keep moving," he growled. Grabbing what else she needed, all in a rush and they headed out, locked up, and down to the waiting car.

Before she knew it, they were in the air, leaving Melbourne behind, flying towards Brisbane, over a two-hour flight. Heather watched Melbourne disappear into the distance, her heart soaring as they did into the skies.

After some time, she wandered over towards Saleem, who had been on the phone since they had left. No rules applied, it seemed, on private planes. Settling at his side, phone gone, reading papers instead. "What are you doing?" she asked. They had been in the air for half an hour, luggage packed away,

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