Chapter Ten

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After a couple of days of sightseeing from morning cruises on the Brisbane River, and rides on the Wheel of Brisbane was much better than the Tower of Terror. Height had never worried her. Spending the afternoon with koalas that one's allowed to hug and hand-feed kangaroos.

Also, lorikeets, perching on their shoulders, heads more concerned with the droppings. Saw the platypuses, Tasmania devils, and the black terrors that might look small and cuddly were feisty and fierce. She left the crocodiles and snakes to Saleem, who seemed fascinated with the man-eaters. Australia's well known for its deadly wildlife.

They tried different restaurants for dinner before crashing after their full days of exploring. Heather had never been so happy. The days filled with fun and laughter, trying new things.

One morning they were up before sunrise, lifting off the ground in a hot-air balloon at the Scenic Rim, to appreciate the day breaking over the picturesque mountains of surrounding national parks, followed by breakfast from pastries, cooked breakfast, cereal, fruit, and fresh juice served on a wide veranda overlooking a vineyard.

Back in the city, they went to the Queen Street Mall and went shopping. Heather had a long list of her friends and family. Saleem loaded down with parcels, leaving the Noosa Chocolate factory store for last, enjoying what was on offer.

"Remind me no more shopping with you," Saleem moaned, dropping her shopping bags into a chair that filled it easily, stretching his back.

"My poor baby," she added the ones she had been carrying, then went to massage his back where his hand had been. "Thank you," she whispered, choked. Taking hold of her hand, he guided her around in front of him, claiming her face into his hands, dipping his head.

"Believe me, this is the most fun I have ever had in any of my stays. You did that," he softly kissed her, then gathered her into his arms, holding her. "What's next?"

"Room service and putting feet up!" She rubbed her face across his chest. "However, first things first," she reluctantly left his arms, collected her purchases, and headed into her bedroom, while Saleem saw to her needs.

Deciding on a shower, she headed out with a change of clothes, spotting Saleem out on the balcony. A warm breeze entered through the open door as she darted into the bathroom, showered, and changed into PJ bottoms and a loose light top. Exiting, Heather looked around, discovering Saleem still out on the balcony, joining him to have a lazy night, eating, and enjoying the sunset, followed by an early night.

The following day, after an early breakfast, they left their suite. Heather had butterflies in her belly, even sweaty palms that she wiped down her pants, not sure what to expect, as they headed down to the car park.

Saleem had exchanged the car for a four-wheel drive and headed out to the film set at the crack of dawn, which was much warmer than Melbourne would be. They headed out into the wilderness. Entering a large area that was crowded with camera crews, people running around setting up tents, and trailers parked. It was all rearing to go.

Climbing down from the car, Heather watched on fascinated. Saleem joined her side. "Welcome to my world."

"It looks hectic, even chaotic."

"It can be at times, wait until we begin filming."

"Hmm," she spotted a blonde out of the corner of her eye, crossing her arms, leaning back against the car. His ever-efficient PA. Folder in hand, smart suit, and summer dress replaced with jeans and hugging figure t-shirt, while she had gone for a much looser shirt that she tugged at, over the three-quarter length pants, having no inkling what one would wear.

Saleem had said to wear what she was comfortable with.

She had felt so until now.

"Saleem darling," her head turned, mouth dropped as another approached. Emma Cassidy, an American sweetheart film star, is a gorgeous redhead.

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