Chapter Twenty-Four

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Heather's eyes head shot up, eyes round as saucers. "I didn't tell them," she blurted out, heart-pounding, stomach-churning, feeling suddenly sick, twisting hands together. She would never betray him.

"Our girl mentioned your name when we arrived and the balcony doors were open," Sasha offered.

Ziyad cradled her face in his hand, forcing her to look at him in his eyes. "Even if you told them, it would not make any difference. They are family. Your family."

Startled, she shook her head. "Never without your permission," she stared at him, dazed, brows furrowing down. "I was so happy to see you, I said it without thought."

"Just the way I like it. If I cannot trust your family?" he glanced across and they nodded in unison. "So no issue. My real name is..."

Silvia held up her hand. "That is all we need to know. What do we call you?"

"Saleem would be best when we are out. Before you head back home, I would love to have you as my guest on set tomorrow. Sasha and He..."

"No, I want to go with you," Heather jumped in. "I will be there to greet them. Sasha will let me know when they arrive. It's far too early to drag them out of bed. Thank you," throwing his arms around his neck, and kissing him. 

"No wonder I'm falling for you," she gushed, stepping back. "Time for desserts. My poor baby, you will need to work out for days after this night. You get vodka," she pointed at Sasha on a high, spinning around, opening the fridge, removing dishes, giving instructions on who had what, having everyone back seated at the table, digging into decadent desserts.

Rich creamy chocolate infused mousse with liquor, mixed with berries, topped with whipped cream. She gave Ziyad a smaller serving of mousse and cream, mostly berries, to be complained about. Laughing, she spooned some of hers to share, reaching up to wipe away excess chocolate from his lips and licked her fingers without thought.

"This is too good to resist," Ziyad licked his lips. She offered more of her mousse to be taken. His hand stroked her hand to the spoon and removed it. "No more. You have outdone yourself, my sweets." She glowed under his praise.

"Is it always like this?" Silvia asked Sasha.

"Usually," he said with a knowing smile, eyes twinkling.

Her mother nodded, glancing at her husband, sharing a look that didn't go past Heather, pleased. They like him, not as much as she did, however, was a good sign.

Sasha and Harry insisted on cleaning up, while the other three went out on the balcony to enjoy the cooler weather, coffee at the table. Silvia eyed them both off. "So," she drawled, "you're sharing a room?"

"Mum, it isn't like that," Heather rushed in. "Two separate rooms," then moaned. "That's why I didn't want to tell you. Ziyad is the perfect gentleman, we," she waved a hand between them, "are getting to know each other."

"To be honest, I booked it and with early morning starts, it was easier," Ziyad added. "We are here to get to know each other away from my other world. When I am filming, it takes over. This is not my real life."

"Yet your face is everywhere," Silvia said.

Heather leaned forwards, eyes blazing. "For his work, that who he is in that world. There is another side that the world doesn't see. Ziyad's a very private man."

"Beloved," his hand rested on hers, bringing up her gaze to his, calming under his golden flames of warmth. "Always so protective. Saleem is a world I have to live in under certain circumstances, yet it is not my real life. I do have a private one. Heather is in my private one."

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