Chapter Eighteen

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Heather's eyes widened at his raised voice, the darkness in his eyes. "Ziyad, don't," she pleaded, taken aback by his anger. She had only seen this kind of anger once before, when Dale had burst into her bedroom at her screams, pulling Chris off her and ramming his fist into the face. One punch and he was out for the count.

Dale had dragged him out of the room by his feet, placed him into another room, dismissed the gathering before going back to her, and then saw to her. He cleaned her up, got rid of her ripped nightie, and made sure she placed a chair under the door handle while he took out the trash after hearing stumbling around noises.

Raised voices had her cowling under the covers.

She wasn't that terrified fifteen-year-old anymore. Reached up, touching his beloved face, drawing down his darkened hard gaze, his jaw clenching with barely controlled anger. Not at her, for her. "You are the first person I have ever told. You did that Ziyad."

Chest heaving, he focused back on her, features softening. "You trust me that much?"

"I do. You make me feel safe. You're the first man I have ever kissed," she admitted, sensing she could say anything to him. He gulped.

"I am?" his eyes clouded over. "A great honour. Was this your first dance?"

"No, that was in Melbourne in the street. I don't think dancing with my father or brother counts, do you?"

"No, my love, they do not."

Under his guidance, they settled onto the sofa, into the corner, where she settled between his legs in his arms which felt so right. He was so gentle with her and patient, not sure many men would be, yet could feel a change in him.

Claiming her hand, he threaded his finger with hers, brought it up, and kissed. "We will do this the right way. This should have been done properly. I should have respected you, by having separate rooms."

"I have my room," she pointed out, head resting on his shoulder, thinking about how she had been with him from day one. After she got over the shock, she had fallen so easily under his charming ways. Everything had come easily with him, even touching him. This craving to be close to him.

Heather had seen more of him than any other man. "If we hadn't been sharing, I wouldn't be able to cook your dinner. And I didn't poison you," she smiled up at him. "You're such a large part of my world, and this had allowed that. I'm just not sure how I fit into your world."

"That is where you are wrong, beloved, you fitted in so easily. All this, the movie business, is not real, in the proper sense. The hype, the fame is nothing. Here, with you, is real, Heather-girl." Melting her heart. He made everything so simple. Her fingers curled around his large hand.

"Well, I have had my first kiss, my first dance. I want to have all my firsts with you." His other arm around her waist squeezed her.

"One step at a time. You have never dated?" She shook her head, and told him about her life after that night, slowly emerging out, yet keeping her distance, and had her friends and brother finally branching out with a place of her own.

"You were lucky you had your brother," his voice sounded choked.

"Yes, and it wasn't his fault. It never entered our head that he would be any threat to me."

"How did you feel around him before that happened? Did you feel uncomfortable around that piece of shit?"

"Ziyad," she gasped, then giggle, wiggling in closer, bringing up his hand close to her heart, as Heather pondered over her childhood. "Not at first. I was just his best friend's pesky little sister that they tried to dump at every opportunity. That changed later." She frowned, rubbing his hand with her thumb. She was in a safe place. "Later, he tried to involve me. I didn't. I had my friends, and studied." Her eyes widened and sat up straighter. "I forgot about Dylan." A dark brow shot up.

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