Chapter Sixteen

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 "Do you remember those nightmares I used to have?" she asked softly.

There was a suction of breath. "Yes," Dale breathed.

"Did I remember having them at all?"

"No," he sighed. "Why? Are they coming back?" Panic in his voice.

Closing her eyes, she sucked a sharp breath, and her hand trembled. "I thought I saw... him yesterday," Dale swore. She winced. "I could be wrong," she rushed in. "A glimpse, in the corner of my eye. I'm being silly." finishing off lamely. 

"No, you're not," Dale said. "How many blonde blue-eyed men have crossed your path without reaction?"

"Like never." Not at first, locking herself away, focusing on study, school, and refusing to go out. "I thought I saw him, Dale, and it all came back. I'm not sure if my nightmares have come back but I feel so tired."

"Baby, you have been busy, early mornings, long days. Can you have a day off?"

"Having one, reading Cherry. Saleem's at work."

"You should see the sights, enjoy the sun and surf. After all, you're in Brisbane."

"Nope, have the suite to myself."

"Suite to yourself?" his voice hardened.

"A two-bedroom apartment type suite, and always the perfect gentleman, so don't fret."

There was a pause. "Maybe it is time you spread your wings, Heather."

"What are you saying?!" she squawked. "Mum will kill me."

"You're an adult. It's not her decision, who you get to date."

"Just date?" she asked warily.

"How far that goes is your decision. No judging here. I just want to see you happy. Saleem makes you happy, Heather. I saw how you react when you're around him. Come out of your shell."

She released a long breath. "I'm not staying."

"Means nothing. Don't think about the future, enjoy the moment."

"What if I can't get beyond that night?"

"Don't tell me you haven't kissed?" He challenged.

"None of your business," she hissed.

"And how did you feel?"

"Wonderful. Okay. Thank you. Love you, Dale. You're the best friend and brother I have ever had."

"You're only one," he laughed.

"You know what I mean." Feeling better, she hung up. The past didn't matter and creepy Chris won't control her life anymore. Not again, taking a few moments to gain control. If she had a nightmare, what was very physical by Dale's recollection of fighting him off she didn't remember the next day, yet was mentally and physically exhausted, exactly how she was feeling today.

Had she woken Ziyad? If she had, what must he be thinking? Even her parents didn't know what the nightmares had been about, what happened that dreadful night. A lifetime ago. Thankfully, Dale had been there, saving her and punching out his ex-best friend's lights. They had never crossed paths again until maybe yesterday.

Opening her phone, she went online and did a quick search for Chris Logan.

His picture came up like a sharp, painful punch in the guts that knock the breath out of her, leaving her breathless, placing a trembling hand over her mouth. He still looked the same. Pale blue eyes, a blond young man now in his late twenties, nearly thirty, four years her senior, shutting down her phone, clutching at her arms, rubbing, suddenly cold.

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