Chapter Forty

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"Is this going to be a regular event, Mother, having tea with my future wife?"

A teasing voice jerked Heather to her feet. "What? Are you kidding me?"

"It seems you cannot get rid of me now. Once set in stone, we cannot change it." With a squeal, she flew across towards the man who had joined them in the garden, throwing her arms around his neck, and covering his face in kisses.

Laughing, he lifted her off her feet. "Not very princess' behaviour."

"Oh, my," she buried her burning face into his neck as he lowered her feet back onto the ground.

"So you sorted everything with your father and finished blustering?"

"Blustering? Mother," he growled to be poked.

"There was a lot of that," Heather agreed.

"Oh, it's like that, is it? Ganging up against me already?"

"Never." Heather denied.

"Are you going to join us? You must be thirsty after all those negations."

Shaking his head, Heather tucked under his arm. He walked her back to the table, where another chair was added. "As you well know, it was already decided." He said, as he eased Heather into her chair, and greeted his mother with a kiss before taking his seat.

Heather's mouth dropped open to slam shut.

"Please serve my son," she instructed the hovering attendant to be done.

"Thank you." Ziyad took the freshly brewed coffee. One thing that couldn't be faulted about the family was their manners. "So where do we go from here?" he asked.

"First the announcement, followed by a balcony appearance."

"I gather you will organise the wedding? The finer details." Glancing at Heather.

"Don't look at me," she held up her hands. "I just plan to turn up." What did she know about organising a royal wedding, let alone a normal one? She never fantasised about her wedding.

"Of course, you will have a say in the setting, placements, and flower arrangement. Also, will need a guest list of who you want to invite. We will fly your family in."

"That's very generous of you." Heather trying to take it all in.

"We will work that out later, Mother. Let's deal with engagement. How it all will work."

"Of course," Juman smiled.

Heather just sat there, nodding, sipping tea, until she had her fill, head nearly exploding with information, having no clues on what was about to go down. Finally, they went back to her rooms, where Jasmine was waiting on tenterhooks. "Well?" they were greeted with as soon as they entered.

"It's official," Heather waved her hand around with the diamond on the right finger. "We're engaged!" she squealed, almost jumping on the spot, as they hugged each other, then her brother. "If you don't mind, I want to change and catch my breath," Heather excused herself, releasing Ziyad's hold on her hand, needing a few minutes to clear her head.

Everything had happened so fast.

Back in her room, Heather stared at the one in the reflection in the full-length mirror. The one staring back was new to her. This was going to be her new life now, eyes drifting up at the man who stood behind her, eyes meshing as hands rested on her shoulders.

"This is really happening?"

"Yes, my love. You are not having doubts?" he asked with concern.

Closing her eyes, she leaned back against his frame, his arm going around her neck that she clutched at with her hands. "Still reeling. One minute I thought it would not happen, they would show me the door, then you came back saying they had already decided it was going to happen. Why did they put us through that?"

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