Chapter Twenty-Six

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An actual island, off the coastline, thick with trees where a structure peaked out as one circled and lowered. A jetty jutted out from the island with its own moored superyacht and heliport waiting for them to land.

As they approached, the double-storey house became clearer, with other buildings and an enormous pool spread out in front of the entire main building, perched out from the surrounding forest of green treetops. An island to themselves.

A private paradise. Of course, he would need a helicopter for transport, all the way out here, because of her, filling with guilt. An extra cost he shouldn't be laying out for her sake. She could've sucked it up, turning towards Ziyad.

"Do not even suggest it," he warned. "This is our new residence for now."

Her throat worked, knowing that look of old. There was no use in arguing with him. "Do you own this?" That would make it easier to accept.

"No, a close friend of mine. It has been waiting for our arrival." Heather frowned, confused. Sighing, he reached for her hand and squeezed, as the helicopter descended, landing. "I had planned to bring you here for a weekend, yet things kept popping up."

"Like my parents?" she offered. "And that other rubbish."

"Yes. Now we are here and will remain until we are done."

"What about your friends? Won't they need it?"

"No, he's overseas at the moment and won't be back for months. We will discuss this later. Let's move in first. The day has been rather draining." She had to agree with that, hitting the middle button and releasing the straps that had kept her safely in the seat.

Sasha slid open the door, where they ducked down under the still-turning blades. They followed the jetty wooden pathway towards another paved path that led up the double-storied house with arched pillars frontage, up steps passing a side structure and immaculately kept green lawns towards the main house, stopping in front of the most magnificent pool she had ever seen, with extended covered pillars providing shelter in the pool itself.

Planted palm trees on the edge with a distant coastline of the mainland on the horizon, giving it that resort feeling rather than a home. She could live with this. Her very own tropical island retreat, with the most gorgeous man alive. Birds flew by at the sudden movement of others. Ziyad had headed inside to get things in motion, while she just enjoy the views before her.

This is what they needed, not just her. Ziyad as well. His location was exposed by that revengeful piece of shit. And she had done nothing wrong. Hand clenching at her side, then took a deep breath, releasing her clenched hands. He will not get to her. She's done with him.

Taking her out of the public eye, hopefully, will shut it down, and they would move on to the next big thing that didn't involve her. Who was she in the scheme of things? No one who had entered a new world was completely removed from her own. Now had this to enjoy. She can only hope that Ziyad got to enjoy this as much as she did.

Pity, she hadn't brought her bathers. Didn't think she would have the time with the filming and all, wondering if she got away with skinny dipping at midnight when everyone else was asleep.

Now that would be a scandal

If it had been only Ziyad, maybe, mischief dancing through her, glancing up as the man in question joined her side, who watched her with interest.

"What?" she asked, slipping an arm around his waist.

"Just wondering what the mischievous glint in your eyes is about."

"Ah, yes, about that. Can I borrow one of your shirts?" Suddenly, her eyes popped wider. "What about our belongings? They're at the hotel."

"Not anymore, all shipped here. Did you not wonder why Sasha was gone so long?"

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