Chapter Twenty

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A slow smile curled his lips, eyes gleaming as he wiggled his brows, bringing forth giggles. He always made her laugh, realising she had done lots of things with him she had never done before. Touched, kissed, and teased in a way that differed from her friends. She felt alive again.

"Yes, everything is fine. The weather's divine, having a ball. Even went on the Gee Whizz. Won a Camel, well not me, the boys with their toys. There was a testosterone outbreak."

Dale laughed. "I would have liked to see that."

"Look on YouTube, probably up there with the street dancing." She even said that without flinching, suddenly interested to see it, growing with assertiveness. "By the way, it was Chris. He tried to approach me with no luck having two bit vigorous men at my side. Mind you, one is sexier."

"Heather," Dale moaned, then laughed. "Go for it and name your first baby after me."

"Dale!" she spluttered, hand waving her suddenly heated cheeks. "No can do. Traditions. A long list of family names before you would even be considered." Lifting his head, Ziyad strode back with curiosity in his intelligent eyes, his arms circling her waist, and she leaned back. "Dale wants our first child named after him."

Removing the phone, Ziyad eyeballed her with interest. "Not happening, maybe the second one," he added, to have silence. "I think he has fainted." Helplessly, she giggled, shaking her head when he offered the phone back.

"You talk to Dale. Tell him I'm fine. I have you. How about a drink?"

"Thank you," kissing her cheek, he released her while he reassured her brother she was in good hands, his. "Yes," he agreed, "your sister is special. I saw that. Are we good? Do not be concerned about that weasel. By the time I am finished with him, his life will not be worth living. I will expose him for who he is."

Heather went to see about pouring herself a glass of wine, and saw to his coffee, listening in as she did. Cup in hand, sipping from her glass, she headed back, glowing under the warmth of his eyes as she approached, and took the offered coffee with a special smile just for her. Her heart soared.

She could trust this man with her life and he would never hurt her, hoping she would be enough, not disappoint him, deciding. This is what she wanted. Him in any way he came, knowing it wasn't forever. He was once in a lifetime, a chance at genuine happiness. No matter how brief. 

Once-in-a-lifetime moment.

Surely this was better than never finding love. And she was going to grab it with both of her hands, not to be afraid of things she had experienced, until now. Not once has she felt threatened in his arms. Surely that was a good sign. She was twenty-five and needed to spread her wings. He was the one to free her.

Placing down her glass, she closed the distance and went into his offered arm, where she snuggled in against him, wrapping her arms around his waist, holding him tight.

Her Ziyad, closed her eyes, breathing him in. He had already freed her in so many ways. The Gods had been smiling that day in Melbourne when she had fallen into his arms at first met. That's why it was so hard to see him on the television with those two beauties hanging off his arms. 

And here she was with him, in Queensland.

Shutting down the phone, Ziyad placed it down on the table beside the barely touched drink. His coffee joined it. "Karla sends her love," he passed on.

Guilt washed through her. She had been ignoring her bridesmaid's duty. "Oh."

"And not to worry about the wedding, everything is on track."

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