Chapter 1: The beginning

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Just wanna say Hey! and thanks for clicking on this story, I made this because personally I don't think there are enough of these stories so I decided to make my own.


This is purely made as a way to express my love for this genre. Anyways please enjoy, and if you have anything I missed or need to fix feel free to leave a message.

Now to the story


If someone had told me before this stupid war that I was gonna have to watch my best friends, my girlfriend, die I would have ran, I would've grabbed her hand and I would'a sailed the Argo II far far away from the battle. I would have driven to Alaska and we would've lived our life out in harmony, together safe from the mass destruction and pain that was the second war.

Everyone's gone. I had to sit and watch as my best friends, no my family, lose the light in their eyes as they breath their last breath.


It started well as always, we were all going strong, we had defeated the giants with the gods who then promptly left. This feeling of hope lasted till a piercing scream erupted from the battlefield, this one human, not like the monsters growls, or barks that were surrounding the battle field. I can still feel the way my heart stopped, the way my blood seemed to turn to ice. I looked over after slashing the hell hound in front of me. There on the ground was Piper, a spear had been flung through her chest. It was a horrifying sight, something ingrained into my eyes.

The monster who had thrown it was immediately struck by lightning promptly turning into a plume of gold dust. Jason stood towering over her body, his eyes grief stricken. He seemed to be entranced, he stopped moving the wind around him picking up causing any nearby monster to get lifted up by the current, this didn't last long though as he was promptly grabbed by one of the flying monsters and thrown into the floor with a sickening thud. He collapsed, the monsters all being released and circling him.

I turned back to my opponent, I had to fight, I had to keep the rest of them safe. It was like my mind shut down, I could no longer hear the rest of the battlefield, all I saw was my enemy and I struck, slashed, parried and repeated. It was a great strategy till I got tired and my brain released me back into the battle, the enemies were lessening now down to a more manageable amount. At least that's what I would have said but as I looked around, sparing a minute to look around, it hit me, the smell of blood in the air, this mixed with the almost powdery air as there was so much gold dust flying around. I focused on the still bodies on the ground, Frank had an arrow through his heart, with Hazel laying a few feet away a giant slash down her back.

I froze, the world seemed to have slowed down, as I focused on the bodies of my family laying on the ground. The thing that pulled me out of my trance was the distant cry from Leo, and the blooming pain in my left calf. I turned and hit the monster that had clawed my leg. It immediately dissipated, as I examined further I saw Annabeth and Leo, Leo was running towards a large catapult while flinging fireballs left and right, stopping monsters from coming closer than three feet from him. Annabeth was slashing and ducking, it was hard to see her as the dust in the air made the visibility close to none.

I realized that I was glad that if anyone was left it was her, it was a disgusting feeling, I hated myself for thinking that. I shoved that thought away though as I continued not wanting anyone else to get hurt. I pushed myself harder as I started to fight while manipulating water around me, hitting the monsters with a wave of water, stunning them, before cutting through them.

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