Chapter 53: Expensive Cold Coffee Earns Cuddles

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-------------Annabeth's POV: ---------------

Was I worried? Simply put, yes. I was petrified Percy would get hurt or that she was more hurt by the guys then we'd supposed. 

Though I think the feeling is mutual because as soon as she disappeared the others all "went on patrol" or "Decided to help Alfred" even though this would be the first time I'd seen them do so. 

Dick was looking around the city with Damien, and Jason and Tim were running around like madmen, though they did this while trying to keep it hidden from Alfred and Bruce. I'm sure they got Bruce since he hadn't left his office, but Alfred knew, I could see it in his eyes.  

I was almost glad that he hadn't said anything. Almost. 

Instead, I was left worrying, calling up every demigod I knew to see if Percy had somehow gone to them instead. 

No Dice. 

I decided that to clear my mind I'd go downstairs.  Everyone else was asleep, even Tim, whom I'd found passed out in the hallway, his head half hidden behind a drape that almost had a human figure behind it. I brought him to his room before assuming my current position which was me sitting downstairs with a cup of steaming coffee in my hand. 

I had to give it to Bruce and co, they spared no expense when it came to architecture, an admirable thing indeed, but that doesn't fix the food they keep. I mean seriously, I've seen their bills (a story for another time) and boy do these guys spend a lot on coffee. I mean it makes sense but damn, that can't be healthy, even divided among the lot of them.

That didn't matter now though, all that mattered was the fact that Percy was upset, and while no, I don't believe that Percy was in the right, I do believe she's been going through a bit more than what she's been letting on, which I'd tried to convince her not to do but can't really get through to a seaweed brain. 

I let out a sigh, taking a sip from my drink cautiously. 

*Knock, knock, knock* 

I looked up, turning around quickly as my eyes adjusted, finding Percy standing in the dark, a small smile on her lips as she walked forwards. 

I nearly dropped my cup of coffee but instead I set it down gently before getting up, quickly bringing myself towards Percy before wrapping her in a tight hug. I placed my arms over her shoulders, my hands getting entangled in her soft hair. I could feel her own arms wrapping around me instead, squeezing me tight. 

"gods Percy, where have you been?" I asked quietly, allowing her time to relax a bit. 

"I went to see Triton." I felt surprise wash over me as I pulled back quickly. I looked over her expression but all their was, was a smile. 

"So it was...okay?" Percy nodded rapidly, releasing me slightly to grab the sides of my face. I'd never tell her but I absolutely adored when she did this.

"It was amazing. I'm really glad I went." She quickly placed a kiss onto my forehead, my face heating up slightly as she did so. "But that's not important. Right now I think I have some apologizing to do!" She let me go, turning and running out of the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile and shake my head. 




Immediately Percy ran back in, picking me up by the waist and spinning me around before pulling me close once more. I chuckled as I felt her warm breath tickle my nose. 

"I forgot that it's nighttime, plus I have a LOT of apologizing to do to you, so what do you say we head to bed?" I shook my head, letting out a soft laugh. 

"Yes yes, let me just put away my coffee." She gave me her signature smirk before setting me down.  

I hurried to pick up my coffee and put it in the fridge. If anything, I'd just make it into a frozen drink tomorrow. 

After shutting the door, I turned back to Percy. "let's go Ms. Jackson, I would like many cuddles in apology." She nodded, grabbing my hand. 

"Your wish is my command m'lady" I chuckled as we both ran upstairs.


718 words

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