Chapter 11: Long nights and early morning coffee

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That night I don't think I got a wink of sleep, all I could think about was Annie.

She was alive. My wise girl was alive, but she was also missing.

I'm not exactly sure when but at some point during the night I tore down some clothes in my closet to make space, and I started hanging up a board. This board would be dedicated to finding Annabeth.

No matter what I do, I will find her.

I decided I'd start by asking around.

I spent the next couple of hours calling different people ranging from people at camp to her parents. I didn't really get anything useful.

I groaned and looked at the clock. It was about 3 in the morning.

Knowing there wasn't really any time to go back to sleep (as well as knowing I'd have memories to suffer through) I decided to just go and get some coffee and wait till tomorrow to sleep.

I walked down the halls making sure to be quiet as I didn't wanna wake anyone up. I eventually reached the kitchen but before I could notice anything else I found Tim staring blankly at a computer screen. I walked over but he didn't even move as I approached.

"Yo Tim, is anyone in there?" I walked a little closer to see what was on the computer.

He just grunted, not sparing me the time of day. I looked around and saw about a 6th of a coffee pot on the table next to a nearly completely empty coffee cup.

I sighed, I knew what I had to do and it wasn't to drink the rest of that coffee. Not yet at least.

I shut the computer not really worried if that sent out a signal and gently picked up Tim, which was surprisingly easy.

He got startled and tried to wiggle out but eventually gave up as he saw that I wasn't budging.

I walked with him up the stairs. Well more like with him in my arms.

I eventually made it to my room and decided he could stay in there, so I opened the door and set him down on my bed. He tried to say something but as soon as I pulled the covers over him he seemed to fall asleep almost immediately.

I feel bad. He reminds me of how Nico was before he was with Will.

After I was sure he was asleep I decided to back to the kitchen to get that coffee, but before I could even turn to go towards the kitchen I heard a door fly open and out popped Jason. He looked panicked, his arms wrapped around himself almost in a comforting manner. Although I was still a little afraid he would ask about my scars again I walked over. He was crying quietly and didn't seem to have noticed me.

Once I reached him I gave him a hug. He seemed stunned before hugging me back tight. He grabbed my shirt like I would leave if he let go. I whispered soothing words into his ear then slowly led him to my room, I told him to lay down and he did. I talked to him as he fell asleep.

Now I had two people in my room, I had to be extra quiet, and as I reached the hallway again I opened the door just to be surprised by Damien standing outside my room. He pushed past me and walked into my room and laid down beside his brothers.

I smiled slightly but before I could leave I saw a shadow in the dark. I tensed slightly before it went into Dicks room. I walked over to the door, grabbing the pocket knife I had on me at all times.

I opened the knife and reached for the handle of the door taking in a shaky breath. Before I could open it though the door swung open to reveal a disheveled Dick, he had a cut on his arm and it seemed to be pretty bad.

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