Chapter 49: the Great Heist

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Alright, so I know I've been away from this story for a while but it's only because I genuinely don't have many more ideas. This book may not be much longer, but I promise that I'll try to end it as best I can. :)


-----------------------Percy's Pov:--------------------------

When I said I needed a suit I meant like a massive hoodie and some leggings, not shorts with a tank top and knee high boots. At this point the only thing stopping people from recognizing me was the fact that I had a black mask covering the bottom of my face as well as a new not completely different mask over my eyes. 

I looked over to Harley with a 'are you serious?' look. She merely smiled at me more as she fawned over me. 

"You look just like me! It's so cuteeee" She immediately started to mess with my hair to put pigtails in. I didn't stop her. If I'd gone this far, I might as well finish off strong. 

We were in Ivy's apartment and the others were all sitting on her couch, laughing and talking. I would say they were planning but none of their conversations sounded even remotely like planning. I sighed as Harley let my hair go with a manic set of giggles. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that all it took to make her laugh was doing my hair. With that out of the way we both walked over to the couch where we took a seat. 

"Alright, so, let me fill you in Percy" Ivy said, her voice more serious now that we were here. "The Joker is trying to take a certain piece from the museum-"

"A massive stone hedge!" Harley cut in; a massive grin cut across her face. 

"Right, and he wants to take it for his 'cool cave'" Ivy put quotes up by the side of her head and her face looked highly bored and a bit disturbed. "So we-"

"-want to take it to put it in our even cooler, much fancier cave!" Harley cut in once more, sitting forward as she crossed over Ivy's lap. Ivy had her hands up as she tried to stare at the ceiling. 

I nodded slowly. "Right, so you told me we were stopping the Joker, not aiding you in stealing his stolen goods" I said, raising an eyebrow at the duo as Harley sat back in her original position. 

"But Percy, at least with us you know it's going into good hands, I mean, look" She waved her hand between the two of them. "Are we not the two most honest and trusting looking people?" Harley gave me a smile while Ivy continued to look unimpressed. 

I took a deep breath, resisting the urge to roll me eyes as I nodded. "Fine, fine, I've already agreed. But if things go out of hand, I will be calling Red Hood, he will shoot everyone... saying this out loud really makes me think this isn't a good idea. Maybe I'll call Nightwing instead." I nodded, crossing my arms over my chest as if I were the most threatening person this world had ever known. 

The two nodded in agreeance. 

"So we just gonna pretend that she didn't just threaten to possibly shoot us all? 'ight" The shark man said, raising his heads in the air. 

"Look just tell me the plan" I said, looking over to the layout they had strewn in front of them. As I was looking I heard something that almost sounded like hissing. I turned to see Harley with her teeth bared. 

"ahhh, you see, we don't really do planning, it's more like pew pew, shew shew, WOW we did it!" I took a deep breath, it was now that I prayed to Hestia that I was not killed for...what was it now? the third time?

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