Chapter 39: Slow dancing

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Oh my gods I hated these people.

Currently I was at ANOTHER Wayne party. This week there has been three. I was trying to trail Jason around because he said he didn't need a repeat of what happened last time. I tried my best but these damn rich people don't understand the concept of personal space. One minute I had been following Jason the next I was talking to a group of investors.

The group in front of me left, plastic smiles on their faces. I smiled back though internally I groaned.

I turned around and tried to jump to get a look above the crowd, I didn't see Jason but I did see someone just as good. I weaved my way through the crowd before popping out in front of a red headed girl, her stunning blue dress was short and had blotches of paint everywhere.

"Rachel!" Relief washed over me as I ran forwards and hugged her. She smiled as she turned in my grip and hugged me back. Her father looked back at us, he never really liked me but I guess he didn't really care either way as long as Rachel was happy.

"Percy! How've you been since yesterday?" She giggled as my face dropped to one of annoyance.

"Don't even get me started Dare." She chuckled again and looped her arm in mine as some people tried to pull me over. As soon as they saw we were talking they walked off.

"Wanna hang around for a bit? Maybe avoid some conversations?" Her smile somehow brightened and she nodded.

"I'd love to Ms. Wayne" together we tromped off into the crowd. By the time we'd made it to the snack table the lights had turned off and Bruce had started another speech.

"And now I'd like to invite everyone onto the floor to join in a dance." With that he walked off as people started to clap and walk to the middle of the dance floor.

"Oh Gods no" Rachel and I said at the same time. We turned to eachother and giggled a bit. I looked out over the crowd spotting a familiar bun of golden blonde hair.

"Come on Rachel!" I grabbed her hand and started to run through the crowd till Annabeth appeared in front of us, her stunning golden blonde hair in a messy bun that still looked formal. Her dress was a gorgeous white that flowed down to the floor.

"There you are seaweed brain!" She walked forwards and wrapped her arms around me before looking to Rachel.

"Oh hey Rachel!" She smiled and gave Rachel a hug as well before returning to my side, grabbing my hand. Some music rang out and a woman also started to sing. She was very good.

Annabeth and Rachel shared a glance before Rachel said "well dad's calling me, gotta go! See you in another two weeks Percy!" She ran off and I couldn't suppress the groan that left my mouth.

"Now what!" I asked out loud, meaning for it to be a rhetorical question.

"Well, seaweed brain, would you care to dance?" Annabeth held out her hand to me.

I smiled and bowed before taking her hand. "I'd love to" She smiled back and we both made our way to the dance floor. A bit away I saw Wally and Artemis, they looked happy. I also saw Jason with some random young lady, though he didn't look the least bit happy. It was probably to keep up for Bruce.

I turned to face Annabeth and together we started to dance to the slow music. Her eyes shone in the light from over and her dress seemed to stand out so much more in this lighting. I couldn't stop myself from staring.

"How about you take a photo? It'll last longer" she chuckled.

"Is that an actual option?" I retorted but honestly I meant it.

She rolled her eyes and we went back to our silent  dancing. We enjoyed each others presence just laughing and smiling. It was pure bliss.

We passed by Jason who mouthed 'help me' as we passed by. I only winked at him as he disappeared into the crowd of dancers. After a while we decided we wanted to get some food. We walked off the dancing floor, hand in hand. We arrived at the table and grabbed some drinks before walking to the side of the room. There were a couple people here but not many. We put our backs to the wall and slid down so we were sitting on the floor enjoying our sweets.

After a while of eating in silence just enjoying the music Annabeth's voice rang out from beside me "you know these cookies don't compare to yours" she smiled as she elbowed me lightly.

"Thanks Wise girl" she leaned her head on my shoulder and we sat there talking about the different outfits we see and which one of the seven would've worn what.

By the time the night had ended we had finished our sweets and were now watching as the other people left leaving a giant room dirtied with party supplies and different cups and plates.

I sighed. "You ready to go Annie?" I stood up and offered her a hand.

She grabbed it and I pulled her up. Together we asked over to Jason and the girl from earlier.

"Good bye Jason call me!" She waved as she ran off.

"Oh I'm sure I won't!" He said to himself as he turned around to walk away but instead coming face to face with me and Annabeth.

"Hey! How dare you leave me with that! I thought we had a bro code!" He cried.

"Aww but you seemed to be having such a great time!" I pushed my lip out and fake pouted.

He rolled his eyes before the other 4 walked over.

"Thank you all for being respectful this time. I glad no one decided to carry around the punch bowl." Bruce glared at Dick who seemed to find his shoes very interesting.

"Of course Brucy, I could never do anything wrong" I smiled.

He rolled his eyes before grabbing the bridge of his nose.  "I'll meet you all in the car." He stalked off to the back room probably to pay the workers. So off we went. I grabbed Annabeths hand and gave her a smile, she returned it and we entered into the cold night air the others laughing around us.


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