Chapter 51: Hypocrisy

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---------------Percy's POV: ---------------

Everyone sat in front of me with varying expressions, Jason's was uncomfortable, Tim's was angry, mirroring that of Damiens, Dick's was softer though I can't say it was completely rid of anger, and Annabeth's was pity, though her stern eyes were prying into mine for details. 

"Alright, council is in order, is everyone ready to proceed?" Tim announced, his eyes boring holes into my own. Without the mask his glare was a lot more accusing and angry. 

Everyone let out various forms of acceptance though it was a little hard to find the situation all that official when everyone was in their Pj's. Apparently our cover was that we were all watching a movie in Jason's room. 

"Right, so let's start off with the first question, how and why do you know Harley?" Tim asked, stepping forwards as if he were prosecuting me in a trial. 

"I know Harley from when I was kidnapped, she helped me out and we kept in contact." There was a moment of heaviness, as if the atmosphere had suddenly thickened but no one made a move to acknowledge it. 

"Alright, and what were your relations like? Is this the first time you've aided in a crime. Don't lie because we have a lie detector here." Tim pointed to Annabeth who gave me a solemn nod. 

I took a deep breath, looking back down to the ground as if it would make this any easier. "Harley and I have grown close, I've visited her often in the past few months and I've called her countless times, and this is my first crime that I've committed with Harley." 

Tim quickly looked to Annabeth who gave him a small thumbs up. His shoulder relaxed only slightly before he turned to me. "What has bee-"

"How about I give it a try?" Dick said, stepping forwards and giving Tim a small smile. Tim relented, stepping back and taking a seat on one of the bean bags though this didn't seem to release any tension.

"Percy, why exactly have you kept in contact? Surely you know, or did know, what she's done." Dick tried, stepping forwards as a pained expression grew on his face. 

"I-I know, I'm not stupid" I said, sounding a bit harsher. Harley had grown, not by much but she was getting better, it made me mad that they continued to accuse her. "But Harley has been nothing but nice to me. We talk and get ice cream; she helps me shop for clothes and stuff and-" I cut myself off because the others seemed to gain looks of surprise. I guess they didn't know what I meant by visited. "Yeah" I said weakly, trying my best to keep it together. 

"So a few is more like a lot." Dick said, his voice a bit colder then before. I nodded, my head falling down as I desperately wished to be sucked into the ground. Maybe if I did I'd get to see mom sooner. "Okay so has she ever tried to convince you of helping her before?" 

"No!" I said a bit too quickly, my voice breaking somewhere near the end at the realization. "I mean no, this was the first time Harley had invited me. She said that she just wanted some help taking the statue from the museum because she knew the Joker was going to take it first." 

"So, you knew that the Joker was going to rob them?" Damien's furious tone broke out and I didn't dare look up. 

"I only learned this morni-"

"That's time Persephone!" I cringed inwardly, taking a shaky breath. "Time we could've spent preparing and getting ready so that we could catch the Joker!" he yelled, I could hear his footsteps approaching. 

"I wasn't thinking about that okay! I just wanted to help-"

"Help a criminal get away with stolen goods? To what? One up another villain because that suddenly makes this all okay!?"

"no" I said quietly. 

"Because Persephone all you did tonight was act recklessly, put yourself and others in danger, aid in the robbery of a multi-million-dollar artifact, and work with the enemy!" He continued, stepping forwards once more. 

"No" I replied. 

"Damien calm down" Tim said, his voice edging on dangerous, this didn't stop him though.

"No? No what? No you didn't because Tim caught you! You were caught Persephone! You can't back down now, you aided a bad guy Persephone, A  BAD GUY!"

"No!" I yelled back, looking up at the others. "Stop saying that! You have no idea what she's like! She cares for me, she loves me! You can't just say these things about my mom like that!" 


My breathing stopped momentarily as I simultaneously examined all their expressions, shock and anger being the main combo. 

"You guys just don't get it." I said quietly, looking back down. 

I could hear footsteps, but I couldn't see through the new forming tears and my thick black hair that was acting as curtains. 

I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Percy" It was Annabeth. "We need you to help us understand, we can't forgive her actions just because she's a nice person." I knew my outbreak wouldn't free her from badmouthing but I'd hoped that it would at least soften them. 

"I don't think there is anything to explain." Damien said. "Obviously she's been groomed." 

I could physically feel something snap as I looked up, standing up quickly. 

"Damien, I have been nothing but patient but for once I need you back down, I am not like you all! I get it! Jason can break a friend out of prison and that's okay! You used to be an assassin and that's okay! But me, oh ho, me, I find someone who treats me like a daughter after my mother was murdered and suddenly, I'm groomed, suddenly I'm not okay. The hypocrisy is absolutely astounding!" I took a step back from all of them, ignoring Annabeth's extended hand as I backed away from them all. "You wonder why I didn't tell you all? This is why! I can't have one person who makes me happy that isn't constantly being taken from me or is killed. For once..." I didn't finish, instead I clenched my fists together, I could feel a tug in my gut but before I could do any damage here I vapor travelled away.

Away from the others. 

Away from my problems. 

Away from interrogation and hypocrisy. 

Instead I went somewhere where my nerves were always calmed. 

Cool water surrounded me, the darkness a stark contrast from the bright room I'd previously been in. 

I took a breath of the cold water. "Welcome home" I mumbled quietly, pushing myself forwards.


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