Chapter 36: Harley Vacation

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I woke up early that morning, the sun had even come up yet but I was too excited to sleep.

I quickly changed into some shorts with knee high socks as well as a hoodie. I quickly grabbed my bag filled with some clothes and my prewritten note that I usually gave to one of the others.

I put my backpack on and left my room quietly. Today I decided I would leave the note for Damien so I slowly made my way to his room and shoved the note underneath the door.

I ran down the hallway a smile on my face. I ran down the stairs determined to get to our usual meet up quickly.

I had barely made it down the stairs when I heard a thump from the next room over.

I decided maybe not going as quickly would be okay as my curiosity took over. I slowly approached the room my hand instinctively going to my pocket. Now I will admit I was expecting something that had fallen or maybe an intruder but definitely not a collapsed Jason.

He was awake and groaning.

"Jeez man, you good?" I ran over and inspected him. He had a couple deep cuts and was bleeding.

He could only groan in response.

I picked him up and dragged him into the kitchen. I knew there was a med kit in there. He grunted as I set him down, he fell a bit most likely causing some pain.

" Now tell me Jason why you thought it was a good idea to go out with injury? Cause now you are stopping me from going to my friends place." I knew I sounded annoyed but honestly I was worried.

I dug threw the cabinets until I found the first aid kit. I brought it out and I spared a glance to Jason who, for a lack of better terms, looked awful. He was pale and his hair stuck to his forehead as he was sweating so profusely.

"Hold in there Jase." Now I was worried, my hands looked like I'd played in red paint.

He grunted his eyes fluttering close.

"No no no! Jase I swear to Gods! I still need to tell you stuff!" I started stitching as fast as I could, my mind was racing but I made sure to get every stitch perfect. I had finished most of the cuts when his eyes closed. "F***! Jason!"

I was panicking, what do I do?!

I got an idea. Something I'd never tried directly before but I had done something close.

I stuck my hands out and focused on the blood in front of me. I felt a sharp stab in my gut but at the moment I didn't care. I focused until I felt my control over the liquid. It wasn't a stable sort of control but it was enough. I forced the blood to re-enter his body. As I did his face seemed to flesh out more.

I smiled though I wasn't done yet. I finished putting all his blood back before sticking up the final few cuts.

When I finished I realized how much that had taken out of me. I started to sway so I grabbed onto the counter to steady myself but that didn't stop the room from spinning. I looked back to Jason, he slept peacefully and I smiled as I felt my legs give out and I fell to the ground as the world went dark.

"Percy! Percy wake up!" A voice rang out.

"5 more minutes" I slurred as I tried to hit whoever was speaking.

"No not five more minutes! What happened?!" I finally recognized the voice as Tim's.

I opened my eyes and looked around. Tim was leaning over me and I looked beside me to see Jason, his face scrunched up.

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