Chapter 5: Bad nights, New mornings

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After Alfred left I decided to take a shower. I removed my clothes and stared at my malnourished form in the mirror. I looked awful. Anyone could see that. Annie used to be my encouragement, my anchor, but she's not here anymore.

I felt a pang in my heart as I continued to observe. I looked at all the scars that littered my body, they disgusted me, I disgusted me. I looked like a walking skeleton, my ribs showing through my skin. I hated it. I turned away from the mirror not wanting to see anymore. I sat in the shower for who knows how long before getting out and changing into some clothes.

I walked over to the large bed. I placed a knife under the pillow and laid down. If there was one thing I had to admit, it was that the bed was very comfortable. I fell asleep in an instant, before I could pray to Hypnos for a dreamless sleep.

Dick's pov:

I have to admit the new girl being a niece of bruce was a bit surprising, I mean she definitely looked the part, it was almost scary how close she resembled us, down to the eyes. I don't mean color though, I mean the look of losing someone , it could've been losing her parents but it seemed to be more than that.

The dinner was quite good and I did notice at first how little she grabbed, but once she grabbed more I decided to focus on my own dinner.

I was enjoying my dinner talking with the others when our phones went off. I gave a look to Bruce who also seemed to be coming up with an excuse to give to Percy but before we could say anything she stood up suddenly, with a mere "may I be excused?" She was off. On one hand it worked in our favor and on the other I was slightly worried about why she ran off so quickly. I'd have to go and check up on her tomorrow. The first night was always the worst.

I didn't have time to contemplate this as we were off to go and save the city.

------Time skip------

It had been a long night, we came across the Joker and had to stop him and Harley as well as a few of their minions. It wasn't bad but we didn't come out unscathed and with Percy in the house we had to be more careful with hiding our wounds. After Alfred patched us up, we all started to head to our respective rooms when we heard a blood curdling scream. Immediately we all ran up to Percy's room. I opened the door to reveal Percy thrashing around on the bed, "Annie! ANNIE I'M SORRY!!"

We stood there shocked. Jason was the first to snap out of it soon followed by Bruce. Jason grabbed her arm gently and shook lightly " Percy, hey its-" he was cut off by her jumping out of the bed and grabbing his forearm. She took a firm stance then judo flipped him, it was a nasty blow too as he let out a grunt to accompany the large thud. She was panting, her hair was a mess and her eyes were wild.

Bruce quickly turned her around and hugged her, she paused for a moment before hugging back, placing her head into the crook of his neck. She was muttering "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Her eyes squeezed shut. Jason eventually got up groaning as he tried stretching out the pain.

Once she calmed down she turned around and looked towards the ground. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to", she lowered her head further so we couldn't see her eyes. "I'm sorry" Her voice was hoarse and quiet. Jason just replied with "Hey, it's okay, I shouldn't have touched you in that state." She just nods a bit.

Bruce then spoke up "Are you okay Percy?" she nods once again in reply.

"It was just a nightmare no biggie," she gave off a lopsided smile that was obviously forced. We decided to let it go just this once though Bruce had that look that said 'we will be talking about this later'. We all slowly left her room. Damien looked slightly annoyed, though he didn't complain at all. The rest of us slowly dispersed into our own rooms.

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