Chapter 10: Old friends, new mission

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It's been three weeks now. I think I've finally fully adjusted to this life. The boys are nice to me or in Damiens' case nicer to me. The talks with Jason have also been helping a lot, I've gained a couple pounds not only from eating more but from working out with Jason. He's been such a help and I couldn't thank him more. 

Currently it's the night before the Gala and me and Jason are just resting in my room. Now I would be lying if I hadn't noticed over the previous weeks the various wounds or limps the boys acquired. I've been lucky as none of them have seemed to have seen my scars yet. Which is a relief. I don't know how I'd explain them.

Though I shouldn't have opened my big fat mouth cause the fates just love to squash my hope over and over.

While me and Jason were relaxing in my room we were just talking. He was telling me about his favorite superheroes, this just happened to be Red Hood. I honestly loved when he talked about something he liked, he relaxed and he was kinda a dork about it. Though of course I'd never tell him these things. Anyways we were enjoying our time when I stood up from laying on the bed, I stretched and not realizing it my shirt rode up as I lifted my arms revealing some of my torso.

I noticed Jason stopped talking so I turned around, concerned I asked. "What's wrong?"

He pointed to me. That was when I realized my previous mistake. My brain started to shut down. What if he thought it was gross. What if he thought that the scars were so bad there's no way that they were normal and I must've been doing something bad. I felt my breathing hasten. I had to leave. I couldn't watch him be disappointed in me, not now. I quickly took off into the manor. Not really caring about the distant yelling from Jason to come back.

I opened the door to leave but I froze at the sight in front of me. There on my front door were four people. Nico, Will, Leo, and Calypso. My eyes widened. I covered my open mouth with my hands. I vaguely heard Jason running to catch up behind me as well as a few more people. I couldn't care less though at the moment.

He was alive, one of the seven was alive and at my front door.

I quickly ran over and hugged him. I was crying. I didn't really care.

"You're alive! DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW UPSET I WAS" I was yelling but this seemed appropriate.

I took a shaky breath before continuing "I thought I lost you..." my voice was now barely above a whisper.

He hugged back finally and we just sat there for a bit. He was telling me what had happened while we hugged, obviously in ancient Greek.

I finally let go, rubbing my face clean of tears. I finally turned my attention to Calypso who I gave a small smile and wave to. She smiled back and gave a small hello.

I finally turned to Nico and Will. "Hey guys" They both came towards me at the same time. Nico and Will both hugged me at the same time. Will let go first Nico held on a bit tighter but finally let go.

"How did you guys find me?" I asked.

"Well funny thing, we may or may not have persuaded some cops to tell us." Will said a bit embarrassed.

I chuckled "well I'm glad to see all of you"

"I hate to intrude but who are these hobos who came to visit you?" Damien asked, obviously annoyed.

I turned around, "Everyone meet Nico, Will, Leo, and Calypso. Nico's my cousin and the others are close friends, practically family." I held out my hands gesturing to whoever I was talking to.

Bruce just sighed before turning around. "Just- just don't stay up too late" he walks off pinching the bridge of his nose which I just realized he does a lot.

I was now left with- wait, never mind Damien walked off as well.

I eventually got the other boys to leave so I could talk with Leo and the others alone.

"Percy Jackson, how dare you just leave everyone! And without a word either! Do you know how worried we all were??" Will said, sounding like my mother.

I just nodded and hung my head low. "Sorry doc, I just- I needed to get away ya know"

He didn't seem to accept it but nodded.

"Look, as much as I'm loving the midnight vist how about we cut this visit short? I have a lot to do tomorrow but I'll explain everything later. Maybe we can get some pizza?"

The others seemed to give various forms of nods or acceptance and walked off after giving their versions of goodbyes. All but Nico that is.

" You know Thalia's looking to kill you right?" He said a smirk playing on his lips.

I could feel my face fall a bit.

He chuckled but came over to me.

"Look Percy, I don't wanna give any false hope, you know I want the best for you right?"

I nod hesitantly.

"Me and my father can't find Annabeth anywhere down in the underworld."

My heart stopped. I swear everything around me stopped or slowed down or whatever, it didn't matter.

Annie was alive.


I hope the surprise makes up for the shorter chapter!

933 words

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