Chapter 37: Secrets be told

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By the time I had arrived home yesterday it was dark so I had just gone upstairs and fallen asleep. Of course that never went well because I woke up with the same feeling of unease that I got after every nightmare. Recently I've been having the same nightmare over and over. It was the one of everyone falling and I have to admit I was worried.

I pushed myself off the bed and stretched. After this I changed and decided to see if Jason had gotten over his fever.

I walked out of my room and instead of heading to the dining room I stopped at Jason's door. I knocked and heard a groan from inside. I took this as my permission and walked in.

On the bed was Jason, he still looked sick but definitely much better then before. I smiled and walked over to the side of his bed.

Over the weekend I had, had a huge breakdown. Of course I didn't mean to but Harley just had a way of bringing out all my troubles. Of course she tried to cheer me up with hot cocoa but she and her friend did help me through some stuff. Namely my fear of hurting my siblings. They'd said that they'd been through some similar stuff and that it wasn't worth it to dwell. I took it to heart and I was gonna try and ignore my fear.

Thanks mama Harls and auntie Ivy.

I placed my hand on his forehead to check his temperature. He was a little warm but definitely nothing a bit of soup won't fix. I was gonna walk off to make the said soup but his hand moved up and grabbed mine.

"Wait" his voice was low and a bit sad.

I smiled and moved back to where I had been previously. "Yes Jase?"

"You've been ignoring me lately. Are you mad at me?" The last part was quieter but I could still hear the heart break.

"Jason, I'd never be mad at you. Well maybe not for long" I pushed back the guilt that I'd made him felt like this and instead sat down on the side of his bed.

"You sure?" His voice was lighter and I could see his posture relax.

"Obviously you big idiot." I chuckled. "Now are you gonna let me go and make you some soup or am I gonna have to pry your sweaty hands off me?" I joked.

"Oh hardy har fish brain" he smiled as he let go of my hand.

"I'll be back in a bit and you can show me that video game you've been talking about for forever." I smiled as I started walking away.

"Wait Percy before you go, I have a quick question."

I turned back around rolling my eyes in a playful manner. "Yes?"

"What did you wanna tell me? When I was bleeding out you said you had something you wanted to tell me"

"You were awake for that?" I was genuinely surprised, I thought he had passed out by then.

"Yeah of course I was, now you gonna tell me or do I gotta be on the verge of death again?" He asked.

"Slow your role, I'll tell you over a nice warm homemade cup of chicken noodle." I smiled and before he could protest, left.

I walked down the halls, glad that went so well.

I made my way to the dining room and waved to each of the boys as I stopped to give Annabeth a kiss on the cheek.

After a did she smiled and I heard a sudden crash from in front of me.

I looked up worried before I saw a surprised Dick and two also startled boys. Dick's eyes were wide open and his mouth was open. His hand was mid air cupped like it was previously holding something and a broken glass laid underneath orange juice spilling out.


I opened my eyes and covered my mouth. "Omgs... you didn't KNOW! HOW THE HERA DID YOU NOT KNOW!!" I yelled back my surprise very clear.

"I JUST- OH I DONT KNOW! Come on guys! I mean..." he tried to look to Damien and Tim.

"I assumed, I mean I didn't know for sure but I was pretty sure" Tim shrugged and went back to his breakfast taking a long sip of coffee as well.

"Oh I knew Grayson, it was so annoying having to watch them too" he rolled his eyes. "It's no surprise you didn't find out, you are second rate anyways" he went back to his food.

Dick slouched in his seat as he comprehended that he was the last one.

"So who else knows?" He asked.

"Ugh well everyone else now, funny thing is, is that Jason was the first to find out well aside Bruce but you know. Oh also Wally knows, and Diana." I replied trying to count off everyone that knows.

"EVEN JASON AND WALLY!!!" He screeched.

"Well... yeah. Wally knew about a lot of stuff before you guys. Including the scars, my secret identity, even Annabeth I guess" This shocked Tim and Damien.

"You mean that half wit knew your identity before us!!" Damien yelled out, anger evident.

"Oh my gods I am not doing this right now" I pressed another peck to Annabeth's cheek and left the boys as they all yelled to me.

I made my way to the kitchen and started chopping ingredients. About halfway through Alfred came in. He ended up helping me out as we listened to music. Little secret, Alfred is an amazing dancer. I'm not sure how but he can find a dance for pretty much any genre.

After we finished chopping and cooking the soup I poured two bowls and waved to Alfred as I left to go back to Jason's room.

After a bit of a walk and some near cases of dropping the soup I eventually made it to his room. I walked in to find him sitting up in bed, he was stretching.

"Well look who finally decided to join me. You tryna ditch me or somethin? Cause you are only a room away my friend." He looked at me in a funny manner, it was hard to describe but it made me chuckle.

"alright slow your role bucko, eat your soup. Then we can get to the big boy talks." I mocked as I handed him the bowl with a spoon.

"Yes ma'am" he sounded sarcastic. I smiled and walked to the foot of the bed, I got on top of it and sat down. I started to eat my soup.

He started to chug his soup as he had finished everything inside.

"Alright. So I'll begin now" I leaned over the side of the bed and set down my half empty bowl.

I started my story, with Jason I told him everything. Every detail, every feeling I had, everything. By the time I was finished Jason had a look that was mixed with sadness and pride?

I sat there trying to figure out what the exact word was when he surprised me by leaning forwards and wrapping me in a tight hug. "I am so fu- I mean so so proud of you. Not only for telling me but just for being you"

I paused. He didn't try and give me sympathy. He treated me like a true person. Not someone who was broken but just has been through some stuff.

I felt the tears enter my eyes as I brought my arms up and wrapped them around him.

"Thanks Jase" I replied weakly.

"Of course Perc" I could practically hear his smile.

After a long while I let go. Rubbing the tears from my eyes.

"While we're at it, you know trauma dumping and all that, how about I share the story behind my white streak" I nodded and he started.

By the end of our talks and hugging sessions I feel like a huge weight had been taken off my shoulders. Jason also looked a lot better.

"Now how's about you show me that game now" I wiped the last of the water from my eyes and smiled as I looked up to him.

He nodded and we both got off the bed as he turned on his console.


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