Chapter 32: Catching up with some spark

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I had a bad feeling.

I'm not to sure why I had this feeling but it was growing within me like a storm.

It had been two weeks since the incident and I'd gone out as Riptide a couple of times, with Annabeth as my look out. Occasionally one of the guys would join me for patrol or a small mission.

I had to admit though the fear that one of them would disappear in front of me lingered. I found myself tending to be closer to the guys, almost as if they'd disappear at any second. I don't think anyone's noticed but I can't help but feel worried.

Aside from these feelings though everything had been just peachy. At least that was until this morning after breakfast. I had just finished my eggs and toast when a small feeling of something unidentifiable sprouted in my stomach. Ever since then I could feel it growing like a virus, spreading rapidly. It was kinda tingly.

I hadn't told anyone about this feeling. Though I don't know if I should.

Currently I was sitting covered in some blankets. The others (Annie, Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damien) and I were watching a movie. I hadn't being paying attention to the name or any of the plot as some people started to fight on screen. My mind was too wrapped up in this feeling.

I shifted a bit as the discomfort of the feeling grew again, latching onto another part of my being.

Annabeth looked over a small smile on her face.

I smiled back and she turned back to the screen laying her head back down on my shoulder. I looked down and saw Jason sitting on the floor he was watching the movie with such concentration it was almost scary. Tim was on my left, he was sitting in a chair. Damien was sitting on my right in the other chair. Finally Dick was also on the floor though he was laying on his stomach a blanket covering only his back.

I decided that I needed to walk this off so I excused myself telling them I just needed to go to the bathroom and left the movie room.

I walked down the halls my legs feeling heavy as lead. I walked out the door, deciding maybe some fresh air would be good. A quick walk down to the gate and back would probably help.

I walked down the drive way when a sudden strike of thunder rang out behind me. I couldn't stop the flinch that sprang through me.

I looked back to the manor deciding later would be a better time and I'd rather deal with the strange feeling then this. That was when it sank in. The feeling was so over powering that I finally realized what it was. It was the feeling of impending doom.

My walk turned slightly faster until I heard a voice ring out through the stagnant air.

"Persephone mother trucking Jackson" the voice sounded beyond pissed. It was one I knew all too well. The feeling seemed to transform.

"Heyyyyy Thalia!" I turned around slowly, putting my hands in the air.

This is when the smell of ozone became very clear, the darkening clouds as well.

Thalia stood in front of me. She was a bit away but I could see her hair sticking up as electricity cackled up above.

I put my hands in front of me, trying to manage an apologetic smile "Thalia... Heyy, how have you been?"

Her fist clenched as she walked closer.

I backed up slowly trying to keep my distance.

She suddenly busted out in a full sprint, quickly gaining ground on me. I sprinted at her knowing what I had to do. As I reached her I grabbed her shoulders and vaulted myself over her, landing with a roll and sprinting towards the gate.

I could hear her behind me. As I ran I reached into my pocket pulling out my phone. I dialed Annabeth and put it up to my ear as I made a quick turn into the city.

The phone rang, I spared a look behind me and saw Thalia chasing, her face filled with rage.

"IM SORRY!!!" I yelled back as I took a quick turn onto a different street, startling some people.

"Percy? What's up?" Annabeth asked over the phone.


"You didn't tell Thalia you were okay!?" She yelled back.

"I WAS BUSY!!" I retorted. I heard thunder crackling above.


"Is that Percy?" I heard Dick ask over the sound of guns shooting in the background.

"Yeah, shes in a bit of a pickle. I'm sure she'll figure it out. Bye Percy, call me when you need to be picked up"

"ANNIE NO" but she hung up.

I grunted in frustration turning my attention back to where I was running. I ran a couple blocks before we arrived at the docks. There wasn't any people here. I sprinted trying to reach the water. That was until I felt a jolt flow through me followed rapidly by pain and a loss of motion.

I crashed to the ground as my body went into shock and I couldn't move. I skidded a bit before slowing to a stop.

"Come on Thalia!! I'm sorry!" I yelled as my body slowly gained movement.

I heard footsteps approaching me from behind.

"How dare you Percy!" She stepped over my body and leaned down to look me in the eyes. "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I WORRIED OVER YOU!?" Her eyes started to glow white, crackling at the edges with little strands of electricity.

I groaned as the after shock from the electricity set in. The cuts from last nights patrol seeming to become very painful suddenly.

"I'm sorry" I shut my eyes trying to dim the pain.

I heard a sigh from in front of me as Thalia helped me up. I stood up and adjusted as the tingling disappeared. I was then crushed in a tight hug.

I didn't say anything as she placed her face in the crook of my neck. "You're so stupid kelp head"

"I know pinecone face" I pat her back as she had her moment. She finally let go and backed away.

"Sorry. About the whole lightning thing you know" she smiled sheepishly.

"It's all good, I needed a bit of shock therapy...oh shoot, I gotta go to that therapy with black canary" I said absent mindedly.

"Wait what?" She looked confused yet in a way relieved?

"Oh some lady I met. I can explain later" I replied.

"Yeah, you'll have to contact me later" she gave me a smile, obviously glad she won.

" oh course pinecone face, I just have a lot going on" I started walking back to the manor, Thalia following me.

"So you found Annabeth?" She asked.

I nodded, a smile on my face "yeah, shes been great"

"I'm glad"

The rest of the walk back was filled with some small talk and a bit of catching up.

By the time we arrived back home the tingling from before had fully disappeared as well as the awful feeling from earlier this morning.

I waved her goodbye while I stood on the porch "Bye Thals!"

"Bye Perc! Don't forget, Artemis's offer still stands!" She replied as she walks away.

I walked back inside, I looked around for a bit and decided that it was a good idea to get a snack. Over the past weeks, I've been doing great when it comes to regaining my appetite. I could finally eat full meals which was great. It was all thanks to everyone's full support, and while they don't know everything I knew I would tell them soon.


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