Chapter 25: Finally found

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Percy POV:

 I woke up with a start. I was sweating. I looked around.

Where am I? What happened? I shut my eyes and forced myself to think.

I was in the tower, I had to help the others get out, in order to do this I had to kill Me'gan.

Oh my Gods I had to kill Me'gan.

I forced the vomit down and focused on where I was.

I immediately reached for my mask. Still there, thank the Gods. I reached down and touched my neck. Covering my neck was some bandages.

I sighed and pushed myself off the bed. My knees wobbled but after a minute or so I was able to stand properly. Before I could leave though Batman walked in.

"Hello Riptide, how are you feeling?"

"Oh I'm doing okay, thanks" my voice was cold and a bit hoarse.

He looked at me skeptically but nodded.

"Riptide I'd like for you to take at least one counseling session with Black Canary. She is our team's therapist. It can be now or on a different date but I just ask for one visit."

I looked him dead in the eye to try and see if this was some sort of trick to try and get me to give up my identity. I didn't see anything so I just nodded. "Can we just please start looking, I promise to go to your therapist but I need to continue my search for my girlfriend."

He looked at me for a bit but just sighed and nodded.

We walked through the quiet hallways, the only thing I could hear was the clinking of our feet tapping against the floor.

We eventually arrived in a large room with a huge computer. Remind me to never touch that thing, it'll probably send out my location for miles.

"Alright, what do you already know?" He asked, looking back at me as he started typing something in.

I sat down in a nearby chair, it was one of those spinny ones so I spun around till the room looked like a blur.

"I know that the men who took her all wore green Jackets and khakis. I didn't really know who they were until a couple weeks ago, I got information from a certain source of mine (mama Harley) and combined with what I got on the mission, I had found that the men at the pier all wore the same attire. I interrogated one of them and they told me that Lex Luther was taking people with special blood. This was so he could utilize the blood to become the perfect human or something and take over." I started to fiddle with my fingers as I slowed down my spinning.

"Apparently my girlfriend has that special blood and so I found some footage of them getting sloppy and taking her on camera. Now all I need is for you to tell me where he may be located or is keeping all these people and then I'll go to your stupid therapy session. If you don't then I just won't go. It's a common thing to be a hero who doesn't uphold their deals, you see." I glared at him as I raised an eye brow, a smirk growing on my face.

He glared back until finally he looked away.

"You're most likely to find his facilities in Metropolis. At least that's where he's usually located."

I nodded. "Thanks batsy, I'll be on my way now." I stood to leave but he stopped me.

"I want you to take the team with you. There will be lots of enemies there, you'll need the back up."

I groaned. "These kids aren't playthings, you can't just force them out and back into play immediately after something traumatic happened. They aren't chess pieces. It happened to me and we can all see where that brought me. So let them rest. If I really need back up I got a couple of pals I can ring up." With that out in the open I left him in silence.

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