chapter 00 | issues

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"You little brat!"

Yu Ming raised his hand and slapped Yu Yang across the face, making him turn his head to the other side and keeping the mouth shut. Like any day, he's in trouble and arguing with his father once again.

"Isn't it enough already?! Do you know how embarrassing it is for your teachers to keep calling me during meetings and literally scolding me for raising you that way?!"

Underneath his breath and keeping his head hanging low, Yuyang whispered.

"They aren't scolding you"

Yet his father still was able to overhear his son's arrogant comments. He took a few steps closer to his son and leaned in closer causing Yuyang's body to shiver.

"If I hear one more time that you are causing problems at school, I'll personally shove your ass out of this country and plant your existence somewhere far away"

Yuyang gulped.

"Don't forget your status"

With these final words, his father shoved him aside and headed towards the exit door then slammed the door close. Loud enough to make his anger known, which wasn't necessary. It was cristal clear and although his father slammed the door in the end, the deadly silence along with his father's cold stare was a lot more frightening.

Yuyang remained frozen in that same spot out of uncertainty for the next 5 minutes.


The elevator doors opened automatically and a tall figure with black hair, dark clothing and a worried expression stepped out of it - clearly searching for something or rather someone. In a quick pace he walked over to the secretary and questioned the ceo's location to which secretary remained silent as the ceo arrived exactly in that moment in that hallway. After noticing the tall figure and identifying him, he sighed loudly to attract his attention which worked.

The figure turned and faced him.

"Gu Huan, what in the Lord's name brought you? Your duties have nothing to do with my company"

Gu Huan glanced at the frightening man then bowed.

"Sir, I simply came to pick Yuyang up"

Yu Ming examined Gu Huan from the top of his head until his shoes then chuckled.

"Wasn't I nice enough to make you my son's bodyguard and tutor? Now you want to become his personal driver?"

Although his view on Gu Huan's life was heartless, Gu Huan was used to it. Not only Yuyang's father was this ruthless and brought everyone to silence but his own father wasn't better. He simply offered his own son as some kind of slave to the Yu family in exchanged for more money, even though Gu Huan had enough on his own shoulders now he had to bear an enormous amount once more.

As these words sinked into his brain, Gu Huan remained calm and glued his eyes to the floor.

"No sir, I'm good. It's just ... it's part of my job as the bodyguard to insure Yuyang's safety"

He didn't have to look into Yu Ming's eyes to clearly see the disgust and frustration written on his face as he heard Gu Huan's reply and since he wasn't too happy about hearing them, he neared himself to Gu Huan and smirked.

"Gu Huan, know your place"

Yu Ming lightly patted Gu Huan's cheek before wishing his secretary a wonderful day and making his way along with his own bodyguards towards the exit doors.

That's when Gu Huan and the secretary released loud gasps and were able to breath properly again. It was really suffocating to stand or even be in the same space as Yu Ming.

"Are you okay Gu Huan?"

Secretary asked.

Gu Huan nodded.

"If you still wish to meet Yu Yang then go into the ceo's office, he hasn't left yet"

Gu Huan nodded once more and made his way towards the ceo's office doors as fast as possible. As soon as he reached the large and luxurious doors, he reached his hand forward and the door opened. He looked up and noticed Yuyang standing in the middle of the room, not moving.

He wished he could step inside, but when examining the office he realized how out of touch his status compared to the Yu family was, and didn't dare to step in.

So, he remained standing there at the doors while having his eyes glued to Yuyang's back.

"You heartless bastard, why are you just standing there?"

Gu Huan lifted his head up and noticed how Yuyang had turned his head.

His eyes widened.

Tears were roaming inside Yuyang's eyes and pouring down his cheeks, his husky voice was broken and his body was shaking in search for warmth and safety.

"Come and comfort me, asshole", Yuyang sobbed out these words before falling down onto his knees and coughing.

That's how it has always been.

No matter what situation Yuyang was, it ended with him crying himself to sleep. The status, the reputation, the wealth and the connections were the most important for Yu Ming, empathy and love were non-existing words in his vocabulary. The lady of Yu's family passed away and nothing changed instead everything got worse for the children suffering under their father's terrifying palm over them.

However seeing how Yuyang's attitude and personality only worsened due to his father's ruthless behavior, it was only natural for him to turn out this way. Causing problems at school, which resulted in constant fights and scolds from teachers. Drinking at clubs, spending money on women and having no care for his body or his mind.

With these choices, father used this opportunity to beg Yu Ming for a job on behalf of Gu Huan and so, he was now not only a tutor but also a bodyguard. Not by choice, but forcibly, yet somehow he is thankful for this chance.

Seeing Yuyang suffer makes him utterly empty and boiling in anger. Doesn't matter what he must go through.

Yuyang mustn't get hurt, while he's still alive and breathing.

To be Continued...

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