chapter 07 | rain

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The doors were opened by the maid, who welcomed Yuyang with a bright smile, and immediately was faced with his bag being thrown towards her to catch, then watched him stomp his way up the stairs and straight towards his bedroom without uttering a word to anyone.

He slammed the door close and stopped in his tracks right in the middle of the room. A loud sigh escaped from his throat and that drenched his spirit, which made him throw his leather jacket on the floor then throw his almost lifeless body onto the large bed and stare at the ceiling.

Didn't matter where he looked or turned, his mind would automatically turn to Gu Huan.

It's frustrating and shameful.


The dark and silent bedroom was lit up for the first time throughout the entire day by the opened door. Yu Ming moved his hand towards the switch, but stopped when he noticed his son coughing while lying on his bed.

He drew his hand back.

He stepped inside and stared at his son, then turned his attention towards his desk.

It was filled with papers and after some close analysis, it was all English as well as math exercises and about 89% of them were correct. These marks brought a smile onto his face as his wishes for his son to finally care for school assignments and school in general seem to have finally come true.

Seeing these unexpected results he spared his dozing son a glance and decided to leave him continue his nap. So, he placed the papers from his grip onto the desk then turned towards the door and stepped out while slowly closing the door behind him.


"Welcome sir, how are you?", the secretary asked Yu Ming with a bright and clearly fake smile. He smiled back and gladly accepted the necessary materials, specifically documents, that he brought along with him and walked into the meetings room. The workers inside immediately got up and Yuyang was slightly startled by this sight, yet remained expressionless as he followed his father to the main chair where his father sat down and gestured with his hand for everyone to sit down.

"Today's meeting will be slightly different. As you can clearly see my son, Yuyang, is here. He's here to witness what it is like for someone to be part of the Yu company so, please don't mind him that much and let's begin"

Exactly, as soon as he finished his sentence everyone opened their folders and began speaking and also discussing the recent ratings as well as costs the company had made and is looking to make as well as spent. Yuyang examined the atmosphere around the room and watched as everyone seemed slightly taken back whenever his father pointed out a few slight errors. Not only was the atmosphere suffocating but also the judgment that he felt through the air by every single person in the room was intense. He was always looked down upon by clearly everyone in his father's world. They knew he wasn't the smartest, yet refused to accept someone who's willing to learn and adapt. They need someone who can adapt right at birth, that's how this family functions.

Be perfect right at birth or bury yourself.

After the meeting ended his father got up and faced his humiliated and embarrassed son.


This wasn't an ordinary question. It wasn't a question of support and understanding. It had a much deeper meaning; are you capable of doing the same? Or will you turn this company to dust?

Yuyang felt stuck. So, he cleared his throat and looked up at his father.

"I'll try my best"

Wanting to say 'no' isn't easy, might as well give some hope.

Yu Ming revealed a smirk and after a second began laughing hysterically, which caught everyone's attention and many stopped in their tracks to witness the outcome of his childish words.

Or not.

To everyone's surprise, Yu Ming raised his hand up and swinged his palm across his son's face, basically slapping the living hope out of him.

Yuyang was stunned by this sudden action. Feeling humiliated and boiling with rage, he clenched his fists and awaited for his father's scolding.

"I don't want to hear 'I'll try my best', instead 'Yes, I can'. Is it that hard? Or are you actually as stupid as I had imagined for you to be? It's sad how you turned out this way when I'm your father, a tragedy"

He scoffed before slamming his shoulder against his son's and walked ahead of him then straight out of the room. Many workers scanned Yuyang's posture and began whispering to each other. This situation was barely beearable and Yuyang deeply wished for an earthquake to strike China and make this building not only shake, but also break from underneath and crash onto the ground and destroy itself.

Not wanting to resist against these feelings, he bolted through these people and out of the room before shouting his father's name and catching his slight attention.

"If you hate me that much then I'm willing to become an orphan"

After yelling out these words his father's eyes widened and was shocked when Yuyang bolted towards him then pushed him out of the way and rushed out of this building and straight to the bus stop.


The ground was shining, the people were passing by in slow-motion and the raindrops were hitting everything in their way. Although raindrops don't weigh much, the ones dropping on Yuyang felt like an amount of weight was crushing his shoulders and head.

Everything hurt.

He simply froze underneath the heavy rain and with a teary eyes stared at the crossroad as slowly people began vanishing one by one. How much he wished for the same to happen for him, just vanishing.

The feeling of hopefully having something that may desire you, that may cherish you and that may appreciate you ... is something Yuyang knew deeply, he would simply not acquire.

Being loved.

Why is that so hard to achieve?

Yet somehow it feels like when he does feel it, it feels wrong or acted. To put in other words, everything feels fake. There's no true love within the bodies of these people surrounding him. Everyone starts 'loving' when it can benefit them, not for the sake of someone.

But ... why is there this aching feeling inside his heart? A feeling of pain, yet feels like it wants something to complete a puzzle or something.

Without realizing it, Yuyang started running under this heavy rain and didn't stop to catch his breath. His shoes, his socks and his suit were drained at this point, yet he had to reach his destination as soon as possible and make this suffocating feeling disappear before he completely loses his mind.

To be Continued...

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