chapter 021 | cold

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The school bag Yuyang held in his tight grip was dropped as soon as he was startled by his father's sudden statement regarding his relationship with Gu Huan.

"You've seen what?" He asked with wide opened eyes. His father was smoking a fancy looking cigarette and staring out through the window, then turned around very slowly and the two family members shared an intense eye contact. "When you collapsed, Gu Huan took care of you right?" Yu Ming asked, while blowing some smoke out the window and then throwing his cigarette aside on the table. He lifted himself up, walked across the table and sat on from the front. "What about it? Are you bothered by the fact that my only friend took care of me?"

"Does sitting on some guy's lap count as 'taking care of someone'? How about I break your leg right here and right now, send your ass to the hospital and watch you sit around random people?"

Yuyang tightened his fists. "Gu Huan isn't someone random"

"Be quiet when I'm speaking!" Yu Ming suddenly shouted inside this large office room that simply sent Yuyang's soul travelling across the globe due to the sudden heartattack he received.

"I know you're gay, however I never said much because I believed it was simply a phase. The more I think about it, the more I realize that by appointing Gu Huan as your tutor as well as your bodyguard that meant you two would be spending much more time with each other and that was my mistake. You turned Gu Huan gay and now, the kid is ruined for life" Yu Ming casually, yet frustratingly commented as he grabbed his cup filled with bitter coffee that he easily gulped down.

Yuyang's body started to shake out of schock. The shivers dancing around his body were wrecking his nerves and his vision was getting blurry due to the tears filling his eyes. His eyes began to itch from the sides, his body temperature sunk down and his mind was tormented by the fact that his biggest fear was fully becoming real.

It wasn't the fact that his father knows about his sexuality, it's the fact that ... he might have possible ruined Gu Huan's life, just like his father said. He troubled him enough, yet Gu Huan never said a word about it.

"I'm removing Gu Huan as your tutor and bodyguard, you're getting new ones for both positions"

Yuyang's teary eyes lifted up and widened his eyes once again as his father's words fully entered his ears. "Dad, please. Don't remove him, he needs these jobs! A-and I ... I need him. I can't do well without him, you can't remove the only source of happiness from my life"

"The only source of happiness from my life, interesting. A guy whose IQ is higher than yours twice as much, handsome and has a bright future ahead of him, yet he's gay now. Can't you see Yuyang? You're only troubling him. Leave him"

"That's not true! I passed those few exams pretty well because of him. I'm happier because of him and ... ever since Mom passed away, I've been feeling like shit. He's the only one who understands me and is willing to support me for life, yet you're removing him! Are you actually trying to fucking ruin my life?! Ever since Mom passed away, you've been nothing positive in my life! You're the fucking worse"

Tears poured down Yuyang's eyes as he whispered the last sentence due to the fact that he no longer was able to handle the unbearable pain stabbing his heart and soul within.

"Having a relationship with a guy brings nothing positive. Stop crying like a woman and man up, you weren't raised to be a bitch"

Yuyang looked back up. "Dad, be honest with me"

Yu Ming grabbed another cigarette, lit it and looked back towards his son then sighed. "What is it?"

"Are you actually going to remove Gu Huan from being my tutor and bodyguard?"

"Yes" His father confirmed it.

Yuyang looked back down at his feet as he no longer believed that this world contained anything good. He was absolutely right back a few hours ago with Gu Huan - someone like him will never receive happiness from this world since it doesn't have anything to offer to someone like him with a few differences in this heartless and stubborn society.

It's harder to breath every minute he spends simply existing.

Without having much to say, he turned his lifeless body back and slammed his body against the door to open. He gasped for air when stepping out of the office and sobbing harder as his father watched the doors close.

The doors opened after a few minutes and the secretary stepped inside to deliver the latest documents to the boss. He scanned through the papers, yet the secretary noticed how he wasn't complaining about the mistakes even she noticed and was quite surprised by this sudden change. "Where's my son?"

She blinked. "Ehm, he was crying in the hallway sir"

Yu Ming handed the secretary back the documents, then mentioned how he wasn't in the mood to check these pieces of garbage. He stepped out and was walking across the hallway, while still smoking the cigarette he lit earlier.

Suddenly he got this strange sensation on his chest, it was a pressing feeling and he couldn't breath properly. That's when he looked to his left side while waiting for the elevator, then spotted two pair of shoes that were messingly lying on the clean carpet right beside the elevator. He found that strange since the only thing near the elevator were large windows and glass through walls. Yu Ming turned and widened his eyes as he found an opened window, then looked back at the shoes beside the elevator and was able to identify these shoes as his son's.

To be Continued...

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