chapter 024 | the end

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"Yuyang, you're hurt" Gu Huan whispered through the entire spicy session Yuyang was delivering

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"Yuyang, you're hurt" Gu Huan whispered through the entire spicy session Yuyang was delivering. He couldn't spend the rest of the night simply sharing the same room as Gu Huan, he couldn't hold himself back, so he almost wrecked the place while trying to hover over the man's body. Yuyang was sitting on Gu Huan's lap and pressing his soft lips all over his veiny neck and would from time to time bite these visible veins.

"You're hurt Yuyang, this time isn't appropriate"

Yuyang slowly pulled back, while still holding Gu Huan's face with his hands. "Then when is it appropriate Gu Huan?"

He sighed. "After you get better we can do whatever you want, but right now it's important for you to get better. Besides although you were able get up and approach me, you're hurting"

Yuyang made a cute expression while presenting a pissed look. It simply brought Gu Huan the laughter from his stomach, so he slowly got up and lifted Yuyang's wounded body gently back onto the bed. "Sleep more"

Then Gu Huan sat back down onto the couch.

"I did what I did because imagining a life without you in it made no sense to me, so don't feel bad about my actions. I chose to do this, okay?"

Yuyang looked at Gu Huan, who was already staring at him. "Besides my dad didn't even care about me nor what would happen to me"

"Your dad brought me because he knew you wouldn't want to see him, but you must know that ... he accepts you the way you are"

Yuyang scoffed.

"I'm being serious"

Yuyang chuckled.

"Believe it or not, he was being honest with me and from the looks of it he is willing to accept you the way you are. He's also willing to accept our relationship, isn't that a good thing?"

Yuyang bit his bottom lip and tightened his grip on the warm blanket. "How can that be a good thing? His son has to literally commit suicide for him to finally accept me the way I am? How can that be a good thing Gu Huan? Imagine you've been treated like shit, never tried to understand or hear that person out - then all of a sudden you accept them because they fucking tried to commit suicide!? That's not acceptance to me but guilt!"

Gu Huan slowly lowered his eyes, while Yuyang's eyes got even redder and tears began pouring down his cheeks.


"If there are any further questions or complications, then you're welcome to return and we'll find a solution. Take care" the nurse bowed and turned to leave. The two men headed straight out of the hospital. Gu Huan was holding his bag filled with clothes, while Yuyang was busy sighing because he knew his father forced him to pick him up.

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