Palak- Part 2 - Lack of Sleep

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This is in continuation with the earlier oneshot. Please read that part before reading this.


Kartik bhaiya left me in the room so that I could sleep but something was still wrong with me. I had drank the whole milk but even that didn't make me sleepy. I was still shaken up from the incident. I thought of telling kartik bhaiya but I didn't want to disturb his sleep. So I just waited for the sleep to come.

2 hours later

I was still waiting to sleep but i don't think it will come so easily. I tiptoed to kartik bhaiya's room finding him sleeping but disturbing him didn't seem to be a good idea right now. So I returned to my own room.


I was awake for the full night yesterday but I have to hide it from kartik bhaiya otherwise he will question me as to why didn't I wake him up. I went to the kitchen watching kartik bhaiya fresh and energetic
preparing breakfast for us.

"Goodmorning Palak have a seat" He spoke as he served breakfast for us.

"Goodmorning kartik bhaiya" I replied taking a seat and started eating.

"How are you feeling?" He asked while taking a seat near me.

"I am feeling fine" I replied

"Did you sleep well?" - "Yes" I lied not looking up. How I can lie looking at him. ofcourse not.

"How is your arm I gave you the injection yesterday?" He continued to question me.

"It isn't paining." I replied speaking the truth this time. He smiled at my response.

His questions seemed to take a break for the rest of the time we had breakfast making me relieved. Lying to him is absolutely difficult for me.

"Palak go sit on the couch I will change your dressing before going to hospital." I nodded and did as he said. Kartik bhaiya came with his stethoscope and other stuff and sat beside me.

"I will unwrap this bandage, clean the wound and wrap it once again. No need to panic I will do it slowly." Karik bhaiya spoke gently holding my palm and started changing the dressing.

"Why the stethoscope I told you I am fine" I complained as he was done with the wrapping of the bandage.

"I thought of listening to the heartbeat of my favourite person today" he spoke placing the bell on my chest. He will check me anyway i can't argue with him on this matter.

"So you have holiday today. Take your lunch on time. It's ready. Take rest and don't do anything tiring today. Call me if you need anything. I will try to be back home early." He spoke while packing his stuff.

"Yes kartik bhaiya" I replied while he left for work.

~Time skip ~ late at night ~


I could see that Palak wasn't herself today. She is so cheerful and energetic on regular days but she wasn't like that today. I had checked her vitals today morning to find out what's wrong but I couldn't get the reason of her discomfort. I know the fact that she escaped death yesterday is not something that can be forgotten in one day but she keeps telling that she is fine when she is not makes me worried about her.

I came back home early today evening only to spend some more time with her. We had dinner together, we also played some games together. I wanted to keep her happy. She went to bed an hour earlier and it's time for me too to go to bed so I thought of checking her out once before I go to sleep. I go to her room only to find out that she is awake. She shouldn't be right now.

"Palak what are doing awake? You should have been asleep by now." I asked her.

"I will sleep after some time " she replied not looking at me.

She didn't look at me. Today morning also she didn't lift her head to answer me when I asked her if she slept well. Oh she is lying. She won't be able to lie if she looks at me. That means she is facing difficulty to sleep. The shock has affected her so much. My poor baby.

"Did you sleep yesterday?" I asked hoping she will tell me the truth now. She looked at me and tears filled her eyes. No I can't let her cry.

"I haven't slept even for 1 min after the shock." She finally confessed.

"You should have told me before princess. Why were you lying till now? Don't cry it doesn't suit you" - "I didn't want to disturb you while you were sleeping."

"I told you to call me if you feel uneasy. You were awake for the full night yesterday this reason is more than enough to call me. You could have told me in the morning atleast." I asked her trying to understand her concerns she faces to approach me.

"I didn't want to bother you for such a simple matter" - "Anything which disturbs you isn't simple. I am always ready to address all your issues. It doesn't bother me"

"Ok kartik bhaiya i will listen to what you say from next time onwards. But now what I am still not sleepy" she asked me.

"I am going to give you a small dose of sedative to help you sleep tonight"-"No I don't want to get one more shot."

"Palak please understand this shot will help you to sleep. It is very important to get proper sleep otherwise you may fall ill. It will be quick and almost painless. Do you think you can do it for me." I asked her.

"Ok" she agreed. "That's like a good girl. I will right back with the shot."

I grabbed the shot and came back to her room. She started to lift up her sleeves immediately.

"You don't need to do that. It goes here princess" I spoke pointing her bum.

"Argh no way" she replied in a cringy way hoping I would change my decision.

" Ah my sweet little sister, it's not the first time you are getting it there. Don't be dramatic. What are you supposed to do now?" I asked her while filling the syringe with the medicine.

She obeyed me this time and turned to one side pulling her pants a little down waiting for the shot. I wiped the spot before injecting the medicine.

"Now you will be able to sleep peacefully." I spoke slowly massaging the spot.

"Remember that you never need to hide anything from me thinking it will trouble me. Be it regarding your health or any other matter. Love you a lot" I spoke kissing her forehead.

It didn't take long for the sedative to kick in as she was fast asleep very soon. I covered her with a quilt and put the lights off before going to my room.


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