Kiara - 4 yr with her mom and dad

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Kiara - 4+ yrs old
Shreya - kiara's mom
Abhinav - kiara's Dad (a doctor)


"Rapunzel's magical tears fell on the prince's eyes and the prince was able to see again. The prince married Rapunzel and then they went to his kingdom and lived happily ever after." I read out the last lines of the fairy tale to my angel Kiara.

I hummed to expect a response from her but then i saw she was fast asleep. Her palms below her cheek made her look absolutely adorable. I stopped myself from adorning her while pushing my body out of the bed without waking her up.

Making my way to Abhinav i saw him sitting on the study table reading something. Even if he is at home he doesn't leave working.

"Can I consult Dr Abhinav. It's urgent." I joked extending my hands over his shoulder forming a V on his chest.

"Anything for my favourite patient." He said facing me.

Both of us started discussing the topics we had to talk about after that. We were now on the bed together with my head on his shoulders.

"Is Kiara really getting a checkup tomorrow."

"Yes my dear."

"And vaccine too." I asked once again.

"Yes she is already due for the Tdap booster dose. I can't risk delaying it anymore. And you are going with us because she needs you."

I don't like watching my little girl in pain. He knows that but still he wants me to go with them.

"Oh Shreya you know the checkup is just to make sure she is healthy. And she is going to get just 1 vaccine as of now. It will be almost painless. I will only do it. Why are you getting so emotional."

"Ok i will go with you. Happy now." I gave up.

One more thing i didn't like was Abhinav checking me and giving me injections as he says that it's needed. But this was not the reason to worry as i wasn't getting any checkup or vaccine. We did this just a month ago.

"Get ready in the morning. I don't have morning patients tomorrow. She has been marked as the 1st one."


The next morning

At the clinic

"Papa why have you brought us here." She asked innocently.

"I want to see if my baby has become stronger and taller." - "wow really Papa have i grown big?" - "let's find out. Just stand here." He makes Kiara stand on the scale.

"Wow Kiara you have grown so big" He says dramatically while noting her height and entering on his tablet.

"Really Papa" - "yes my baby now come here and stand on this" - "ok Papa" - noting her weight he makes her sit on the exam table.

"Hey Kiara i saw something going inside your ears. Let me take it out." He says taking out the instrument by which he will check her eyes.

"Papa please take it out. It won't hurt na?" Kiara says really thinking as if something went inside and let Abhinav check it.

"No my princess it won't hurt." He checks her ear.

"Let me see the other ear also. I hope the other ear is also fine and nothing went inside." He says and checks the other ear also.

Abhinav is so good at handling Kiara. He checks her eyes mouth nose, the same way joking all the time and not even letting the word "checkup" come out of his mouth.

"You know Kiara you can listen to your heart using this. Do you want to listen? " He asks her pulling out his stethoscope.

"Yes yes" she says excited.

I thought Abhinav would act naughty and put me in between but no he placed the bell on her chest and let her listen. Once she was satisfied he checked her heartbeats and breathing.

"Kiara wait here i will be back in 2 min." He said and left but I knew what was up. Her and I played some games using our hands in the meantime.

Coming back he made her open her mouth and dropped some oral drops into her mouth.

"Kitna kadwa hai" she said and made a disgusting face and we both chuckled.
May be disgusting but definitely better than getting polio.

"Here take this torch and look at mommy's eyes and mouth" he says making her sit on his desk himself sitting behind her on his chair.


This was the most difficult part of the day. I had to give her the shot without letting her know. As she was busy with Shreya, i took the prepared needle in my hand.

After taking a deep breath, i lifted her frock. Shreya immediately held the bagging part of the frock with her hand. She understands so well.

Cleaning the spot i inserted the needle very slowly not getting any reaction from her.

"Did you see mommy's ears Kiara?" I asked her to distract from any pain she would feel.

"Mummy show me your ears"

She is excited to use the torch. Meanwhile I pushed the medicine really fast and placed cotton after pulling out. I rubbed it for a while and cleaned the blood drops which had come out. Throwing a bandaid at the end.

I was happy she didn't notice.

"Kiara do you want to play in the play area of the clinic" - "yes yes" -"let me call a nurse to take you there"

Kiara happily went to the play area with a nurse. I updated the vaccines she got today in her immunisation card then. Marking her next 2 vaccines - MMR and Varicella a month from today.

"You handled her so well." Shreya praised me.

"Handling her is not a big task. I was just worried because of the shot."

"I didn't understand that you called a nurse to take her to the play area. I would have taken her na"

I had to give Shreya an injection. That's why i did this.

"But that's nice. We got some free time. Are you going to drop us. Or i will take the car and come back to pick you up after your work."

"Shreya don't panic okay. I am going to give you an injection now. That's why i made Kiara leave from here."

"Injection but why. I am not taking any. I am updated with vaccines. And i am not ill. So no"

"This injection will boost your fertility my dear. You know na we had been planning a sibling for Kiara but it isn't happening for us. This injection will place the hormones together and help you to conceive."

She was silent.

So i started laying out the required things- syringe, vial, cotton and wipes.

"C'mon Shreya we want our baby to come into this world. Please agree."

I specifically mentioned about the unborn baby. She will emotionally attach herself and agree.

"Ok" she said with a low voice.

"Perfect. Go and lay down on the table."

I filled the medicine in the syringe and aspirated it before going near her. I could tell she was angry. But first i had to give her the injection then pacify her.

She was laying sideways. I lifted the kurti up and moved the pants down revealing the area.

This was a little painful injection.

"Shreya i am going to be very gentle okay but still remember to keep breathing so that you would feel less pain." I said wiping the spot.

"You know we will hear good news very soon." I said and gently pressed the needle. She moved when the tip touched the skin. But i continued pushing the whole needle in.

"What do you want a boy or a girl"- I asked as she wasn't saying anything while continuing pushing the medication.

"I don't want to think about that before the baby is born. Ahh it hurts Abhinav"

"Just a little more, almost done baby."

Pulling the needle out and pressing cotton over it, I discarded the syringe.

"You brought me on purpose today in the name of 'Kiara needs me' . This was your real motive. Why didn't you tell me earlier about this injection."

"If i had told you earlier then would you have agreed with it and by the way Kiara really needed you. What would I have done if she started crying because of the vaccine."

" It was so painful. I am not able to sit also. Ahh." She said and started rubbing the spot with the cotton.

"It will lessen with time. I will apply an ice pack when we reach home."

Kiara came back hopping and holding a lollipop in her hand. That made me realise that I forgot to give her a treat for getting the shot.

"I will drop both of you home now" and we left and got seated in our car.

"Don't fret Shreya but you need some more doses to make it effective."

"That's great" she says sarcastically.

Please comment - i get motivated to write more.

Do let me know if you wish to read something in particular. Not the whole scenario but instead some relationships or any type of treatment or injury. Please donot ask for a full request. I have already told i will not be able to write as per others expectations.

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