Tina - 5SOS

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I was at the hospital anxiously waiting for my dad to be out of surgery. He was having eye surgery after which he would be able to remove his specs. My dad had told me that the procedure was absolutely safe and I didn't need to come to the hospital to be with him. I insisted that I want to come because I didn't want to leave him alone. But I guess that my decision was wrong and I should have stayed home. This hospital environment makes me sick. People come here to solve their health problems but that was not the case with me.

Actually yesterday i had drank chilled water that was kept in refrigerator because i absolutely love cold water. It quenches thirst so nicely. Dad always tells me to drink normal water but yesterday i didn't feel like listening to him. He wasn't at home at that time so i didn't tell him. But i was wrong my throat was now hurting and i was feeling feverish too. And on top of that i don't like hospital environment. It's smells so bad. How people stay here is above my understanding. The most important fact i just don't like doctors and their tools. The doctors just don't care if their checkups and treatment hurts the patient.

I was just waiting at the lobby for the surgery to be over and i could meet my dad and then go home. Sitting here and waiting for so long was making me feel anxious. The achy throat, fever, the hospital smell everything was adding to my anxiety and making me impatient to leave this place as soon as i could but Dad was in surgery and i couldn't leave just like this. I could feel that i wasn't able to breathe properly.


I was at rounds at the moment when i noticed a teenage girl sitting in the lobby. She didn't look fine to me but i just shrugged it off thinking that her relative might be serious so she wasn't feeling great. Disturbing her didn't seem a good idea.

When i came back at the same lobby 15 mins later i saw her almost hyperventilating. She was struggling to breathe. She was all alone from how long i didn't even knew. I had to interfere because if i didn't she will faint here itself. As a doctor i could understand when does someone needs medical intervention.

"Shh relax just breathe" I said engulfing her in a hug.

She needed that and i didn't took any advantage of her. Infact it was my duty to help someone in need.

God she was burning up. But that wasn't important right now. I needed to her to calm down first. I saw an vacant room on the corridor. So while keeping her still in my hug i took her to the room.

"Relax you are ok. Just relax."

"Hmm. Hmm"

"You are safe. Try to breathe normally."

She just nodded in response and did as i said her to do.

After a good 10 minutes, i finally released the hug. My hands on her shoulders, I saw her calm face.

So Cute and pretty.

"Come sit down"

Making her sit on the couch. I filled up a glass of water.

"Drink some water." I spoke passing the glass to her.

She needed to get checked out not by me but by Calum ofcourse as he specialises in her age. I had to know more about her before paging him.


I literally embarrassed myself in front of some random doctor walking past me at the lobby. I didn't even understand what had happened to me.

I don't know what he must be thinking about me but i was now feeling calm and relaxed in his company. He asked me the reason of my visit to this hospital which i honestly replied.

I also told him how was i feeling thruthfully as he caught me lying about my fever. He literally took my temperature when i said i don't have fever. It was 102.5°.

"let's go downstairs. I will call Calum there, he will make you feel better" The doctor told making me gulp in fear.

A doctor checking me to treat my fever. It means he has the right to touch me, use dreadful equipments, without Dad beside me and most dangerous if he decides to use needles.

No this wasn't happening.
I wanted to run from here.
But i couldn't.
This hospital was so big and i didn't even knew which way to go.

He was fidgeting with his pager while leading me to towards the lift and then to the doctor's cabin in a different floor.


I was almost done checking my patients when i received a page from Ashton. He asked me to come to my own cabin. Maybe he had brought in the patient there

When i entered the cabin i saw a teenage girl sitting on couch along with Ashton. Her expressions showed pure fear. It seemed as though she was brought here forcefully. Ashton couldn't do this. She seemed sick also.

"Hi Dr Hood, but you can call me Calum" i spoke extending my hand to her, a smile on my face.

"Tina" she replied giving me a low energy handshake.

Too hot.
Her temperature is quite high.
Her facial expressions and body language was telling me that she isn't feeling good at all.
Without checking her i could say that she needs strong medicines.

"Calum" Ashton spoke making me look towards him.

He pulled me aside towards the other side of the Cabin telling me she has 102.5 ° when he checked it. He also told me that she is really scared to get checked out so i need to be really careful to handle her. Ofcourse i know that i deal with scared patients many times.


Both of them were discussing at one corner of the room. I was literary in a fix now. I was feeling so sick that i wanted to get better but i was scared. I can't stand in front of one doctor and they were two. But both seemed nice. May be i should give them a chance and get better as an outcome.

Dr Hood aka Calum as he asked me to call him came near me and guided me to sit on the bed.

Meanwhile i saw Dr Ashton sitting on a chair focused on reading some reports.

"Be comfortable and tell me how are you feeling. Don't worry i will take it slow. You don't need to be nervous " He spoke as if he already knows about my fear for doctors and checkups.

I told him apart from having fever i was feeling uneasy and anxious and even difficulty breathing.

"May I" he asked pointing to bell of his stethoscope. I was nervous but still nodded. I didn't had any other choice also.

He rubbed the bell between his palms for a few seconds before sliding it under my shirt.

"Ouch" I flinched as it was cold. He gave me "I am Sorry" look.

"Take deep breaths"

I followed as he said while his face went serious. He repeated the same in my back too.

He continued the rest of the checkup by trying to have a conversation all the time. After looking at nose, ears, throat he checked my blood pressure and pulse too followed by another reading of the temperature.

"I see that your throat is red but luckily it doesn't seem an infection. But your temperature and blood pressure are higher than above my liking." He says looking at the tablet. Must be looking at my chart.

"That was so brave of you that you let me finish your checkup." He said looking at me.

This was something i heard for the first time ever.

"I can assume that you will let me continue like this and get you all ok."

I was speechless.
Should i answer in a yes or No


Apart from fever her blood pressure was very high. I had to give a relaxer as well as a fever reducer. I had to gain her confidence to give those. Which is why i ask for permissions all the time.

I gave her sometime to relax while i went to grab the 2 needles from the cabinet. I made sure she doesn't look at it. I gestured Ashton to come near me as soon as i had filled up the syringes with the medicines.

As she was just 14 years old and so thin. Injecting it in the arm wasn't a good idea. I thought of giving it in her thigh instead. She was wearing skirt too , it would be easy to manage.

As Ashton was already here i thought of putting him to work. If the shots are given simultaneously she doesn't have to bear the pain 2 times. I handed him the relaxer before hiding the other syringe in my pocket and moving towards her.

" let's get you all better. 2 little pokes and you will feel wonderful " I spoke and asked her to sit with legs straight and pull up her skirt so that we can access to her thigh.

She was still scared but letting us do our work. That's the reason i had hidden the syringe.

Patients get scared even the sight of the syringes.

I faced my back to her to uncap the syringe flicking it to remove air while Ashton repeating the same. Both of us sat on either side of her. Her legs between us.

"look upwards and just relax. It will be over before you know it." I spoke wiping the spot.

"On 3" Ashton spoke.

Both of us looked at each other signalling that we will insert at 1.


As discussed we inserted at 1 leaving her no room to get tensed.

"Very Good Tina, Good job." I praised while pushing the medicine.

The rest of the time we focused on injecting the medicine properly earning a whine from her before pulling out at almost the same time placing cotton balls on the injected sites.

"All done"

I went to dispose the needles while Ashton placed bandaids over the small sites.

"Was it painfull" Ashton asked her

"Not really" she laughed

"You did a good job. Get some rest and then you might be able to meet you father." I spoke getting a smile in return.

"Thankyou so much"

"Don't Thank us."


Maybe the thinking i had for doctors was wrong. 

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