Amara - Aryan

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Dr Aryan

Keeping my bag in the passenger seat of the car and me dressed in scrubs i waited for a glimpse of Amara before i could drive to the hospital. It's time for her school too i was hoping that i don't need to wait for too long just to catch a glimpse of her.

And there she was dressed in her school uniform, her school bag on her back as she she came down before going to the society's main gate waiting for her bus to come. Her face appeared pale and she looked sick today. It could be that she didn't had a good sleep so was a Little tired. As i had already seen her i left for the hospital as i was getting late for my shift.

Amara lives opposite my flat but i had never spoken to her. Her parents lived abroad and she lives with her caretaker Mrs. Sharma. She is really introvert and shy person. I had never seen her talking to people. I watch her almost every morning when she leaves for school and i head to my medical college cum hospital.

I spotted her for the first time when i moved to Delhi a few years back when I had joined medical college to pursue medicine and become a doctor. Her parents were leaving for abroad that day and i saw it in her face that she was upset about it. She was just a child back then. Years passed by she grew up and now a teenager where as i became a resident but nothing changed in her personality. My love for her has only be growing but i never got a chance to speak to her all these years. I love her like anyone would love his own sibling.

I had spoken only to her caretaker Mrs. Sharma who i believe loves her very much and takes good care of her. But still then no love could match parents love. I hope her parents realise this soon and give her whatever she deserves in life. They visit her for some days in a year but that's not enough for any child. They should be there for the whole time.

I reach hospital and immediately put on my lab coat my name badge on my chest and my stethoscope on my neck as i head towards the E.D of my hospital. I had duty on Emergency today and i really love it. Being a first year resident isn't easy at all. Everyday is different as we see all different kinds of patients with different problems/diseases.

After a few hours

We were 2 doctors at the ED today. My colleague doctor took the last ED case and i was the one who would be taking the next case. We got a call from the nearby school informing us a student would be coming in emergency. The ETA was 5 minutes. My team got prepped and we waited for the ambulance at the front door. A thought prevailed my mind. It's the same school in which Amara studies. Oh what was i thinking. There are thousands of students who study in the same school.

The ambulance arrived as the patient was taken out in a gurney.

"Amara Rai , 15, experiencing extreme nausea, threw up more than 6 times, complaining of severe stomach pain."  the parademic told us the details.

As i had sensed. It was Amara.
She was paler than before. Looking extremely tired and sick.
I was right though when i saw her in the morning. She was actually sick.

"I got it." I spoke immediately taking her to an exam room.

"Take her temperature and bp and get an IV line in fast and connect saline." I yelled orders at the nurses while i listened to her heartbeat and breathing.

Not what i wanted to listen. I sighed setting my stethoscope down.

Just when the nurse was about to put an IV in she started panicking "No needles. Don't bring that object near me. keep it away..." and she vomitted once again but thankfully no mess as the nurse was quick at keeping the sick container infront of her.

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