Mehak - Part 1 - Fall

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I was in the hospital with my mum as she had a surgery today for her thyroid. I was informed that the surgery had went well and she was currently sleeping.

I was desperate for an update on my mom's health and also eager to know when she will be good to go home but to worsen the situation my wrists were hurting so much as I fell off from stairs today morning as I was in a hurry to leave for hospital. I fell from the last stair directly making an impact on the ground. But I had to rush to the hospital so I just shrugged off the pain at the moment and came to the hospital. At first I was alright but the pain seems to worsen as time passes. I was feeling restless. My wrists had become sore and started to sting.

I understood that to feel better I had to seek help from a doctor but that was a huge problem for me. Though I was 14 years old I had never visited a doctor without my mum. I was scared of needles so much. My mum knew about my fear and she always used to comfort me whenever I had to take one. Her presence made me feel less paranoid. She used to sit beside me saying words of encouragement and comfort me all the time the doctor's job is done. She used to praise me that I am so brave.

But my mum is not well today how will she take care of me. But I don't have the courage to visit a doctor without her. I don't know what's lying ahead of me today.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that when my mum's doctor came inside and started checking her. He checked her vitals and was looking at her reports.

"Is my mum doing good. When will she wake up? When will she be able to go home?" I asked curiously to him.

"Hey slow down. I will answer all your questions. Don't worry." He said and I sighed.

"Your mum is doing good. If the recovery goes as planned she will be good to leave the hospital in 2-3 days. For today let her take rest as much she can. Its good for her health" He said noting down in her chart.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thankyou so much Dr Vivaan".This was all I could say at the moment. He directed his attention towards me.

"What happened to your wrist" He frowned.

Oh no!!! he saw my wrist.

"Nothing at all." I tried to dismiss while hiding my wrists.

His concerned face told me that he didn't believe my lie. He came near me and gently grabbed my arm and caught hold of my wrist. He was holding my wrist so gently while having a look at it.

"So you call this nothing. It is so swollen. Tell me what happened." He asked while looking at my eyes.

I stood there speechless not wanting to let him know about the incident and ending up getting a checkup.

"So you don't want to tell me what happened. But I want to say you something, your wrists is paining very much now but if you let it go untreated then it will become worse. There is a chance that your wrist might be fractured." He spoke softly.

He won't let me go without knowing about the incident. So I decided to tell him everything.

"In a rush to leave for hospital today morning I slipped from the last stair directly falling on the ground."

"Oh Mehak you fell from stairs. Why didn't you tell me before?" He asked shocked.

I remained silent not able to say anything.

"Where else did u get hurt" He asked while checking for any more physical injuries.

"I am feeling restless along with the wrist" I spoke

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