Pari - locked up (her Mama)

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"Your Sahil mama is coming to visit us for 2 days Pari." Mom tells me as soon as I come back from school.

"Wow great news Mom. When will he be here Mom? I will finish my homework before he comes."

"He will come around 7pm. You have enough time."

This made me so much happy.
Sahil Mama is my favourite.
I love him a lot.
He is so nice and friendly and soft spoken.
The best thing about him is that he loves me more than I love him.

But I don't like when he goes into his doctor mode.
He starts worrying about me even if I cough a little.
And today was one such day.

I got locked up in the washroom today for almost half an hour by mistake. No one heard when I was shouting to take me out. I got out of the washroom only when a grade 2 student opened the gate for me. But she was too small to understand anything.

I didn't tell mom about it. Why should she worry about something which is already over.

I was feeling little shaken up after the incident. I was feeling some pain in the chest and shortness of breath too.

I hope he doesn't find out that I am unwell.

7 pm

"Hey Pari, Nice to see you. Ahh you look taller than before. It's been only a few months since i met you." Sahil Mama says while opening his shoes after entering.

"Yeah really have I grown taller." I ask him as he hands me my favourite chocolates.

"So these chocolates are only for you. Don't share it with your Mom."

"I can hear everything." My mom says while passing him a glare.

"I have got it for you also." He says to mom and both of them smile while exchanging glances.

Sahil Mama immediately carries me in his arms.

"Ohh Mama I am not a kid. I am almost 11. Please don't carry me." I say while trying to get off from him.

"But you will be always be my little princess." He says pecking my nose.

"Please let go off me Mama." I say as I was afraid of him finding out that I am feeling uneasy.

"Why are you breathing so fast Pari? You look pale too." He says closely watching my face trying to find out what's the issue and putting his hand on my chest.

"Oh Mama please leave your doctor side at your hospital only. And I am telling you don't try to give me any injections in the name of vaccines or whatever this time. And no checkup too." I say as I knew he will want to check me out.

He puts me down and I take a breath of relief.

It's not so easy to get away from him checking me.


Meeting my sister and my niece is a trip is always look forward too.

Pari is so sweet.
Just by looking at her I forget all my worries of the world.
She is always so happy, talking all the time I am with her and fully energetic. But today something seems to be off about her. Her heart rate seemed high. But she didn't want me to give her a checkup so I stayed quiet.

Once she was in her room after having dinner, I speak to Sneha di.

"Don't you think Pari is not in her usual self today?"

"Ya I too thought so. May she is just tired. Still I will ask her."

After which she goes to her room.

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