Meet the Girl

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The above song is 'Ikk Kudi' from the movie 'Udta Punjab'

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Priyanka Saxena is the niece of the respected accountant of a small town in Uttar Pradesh.

She had lost her parents Raghu and Payal at a young age and her Chacha Rajesh had taken care of her since.

Her Chachi Anu considered her to be a burden and constantly belittled her. She always told Priyanka that by taking her in, she had done her a huge favour.

Priyanka believed her aunt and always did as she was told.

Anu's daughter Ishika had grown up watching how her mother treated her cousin. Ishika didn't like it but she couldn't find the courage to call her mother out on it.


Priyanka loved to spend time with her uncle and helped him with his job. Rajesh was a father figure for her and he taught her all the values he had grown up with. 

Rajesh never once stopped his niece from achieving her dreams and Priyanka was always grateful for that.

Working with her uncle got Priyanka interested in Math which was rather uncommon for a girl.

With her uncle's support, Priyanka was now doing her graduation in Math and hoped to do a post-graduation as well.

She had decided to work as well so that she didn't burden her family with the fees.

Her uncle didn't like it but his niece was extremely stubborn, so he had to give in.


Rajesh knew how his wife treated his niece, but he found himself just as helpless as his daughter in the situation.

He didn't like it but there wasn't anything he could do to make them stop.

Priyanka was too nice of a person to say no and his wife took advantage of that.

He didn't know that his wife made his niece think that she was a burden on their family.

Rajesh was also worried about the marriage of both his daughters.

Ishika was 24 years old and at the prime age for marriage whereas Priyanka was 22. 

Ishika was done with her graduate studies while Priyanka was just completing her final year of undergrad study.

Rajesh knew that he would have to work on getting Priyanka married himself because his wife didn't care enough about her.

Anu had already started talking to some people about her own daughter's marriage. 

The people of their community had known both the girls for years now and they all preferred Priyanka because of her gentle and respectful nature.

This angered Anu to no end because no one wanted Ishika as their daughter in law.


One day Samar Mehta, an old friend of Rajesh and his brother Raghu, came to meet them. 

Raghu and Samar had been friends since they were younger and with time Rajesh also joined their little friend circle.

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