Welcoming Baby Singh

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The above song is 'Channa Ve' form the movie 'Bhoot - Part One'

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Priyanka's final year of her master's was very different from her first year.

The previous year she had been busy trying to build an understanding with her newly married husband.

Nobody knew her back then and she was mostly forced to be alone because of her early marriage.

This year however things were slightly different due to a number of factors.

Girls didn't want to be seen with her due to her cute baby bump because they somehow felt that her pregnancy would affect their popularity in the college.

Unlike last year though, Priyanka had two loyal friends who stood by her side no matter what.

Shivani and Tanya always stayed with their pregnant friend to ensure that she was okay during the day until the end of the day when her driver came to pick her up.

Aakansha took the job of taking care of her Priya Bhabhi very seriously and did her best to help around the house, after cutting down her frequent trips to the shopping mall and night clubs with her friends.

Priyanka would insist that she was fine but her dear sister in law never listened to a word she said.

Sometimes Kabir also came home with her best friend so that he could peacefully spend some time with her sister, while Abhimanyu took care of the remaining household chores.

Priyanka normally enjoyed being pampered like this by her entire family, but every now and then their over protective behaviour got on her nerves.


In college Priyanka was always shadowed by at least two of her bodyguards at all times, who were given strict instructions to ensure her safety at all costs.

Abhimanyu regularly called the bodyguards to ask about his wife apart from the daily calls his wife made to remind him about having his lunch.

Kabir started taking up more responsibility for their projects so that his best friend could leave early to spend time with his pregnant wife.

The staff was also given strict instructions to not call the boss after he leaves the office unless there was some kind of an emergency.

Abhimanyu had also informed all his business partners that he would be busy due to personal reasons for about one year and so he would not be able to meet them for any business trips.

Since Abhimanyu was a very hardworking man, all his business partners were very accommodating about his unavailability for meetings.

They agreed to meet with Kabir in case there was any urgent meeting in his absence.


Abhimanyu had started reading pregnancy related books in his spare time.

Priyanka found it cute initially until her husband started making a list of rules for her to follow like only drinking boiled water, eating only homemade food, going to sleep as early as possible to ensure that she gets enough rest and waking up early in the morning either for a walk or a short yoga session.

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