Unveiling of Ummeed

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Cutting it really close with the deadline this week. Honestly, I was almost certain that I was probably not going to update this story until next week

The above song is 'Ishq Di Baajiyaan' from the movie 'Soorma'

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Aakansha and Kabir had informed Rekha and Aakash about their relationship to avoid any more unexpected and embarrassing situations like the one with Abhimanyu.

They both were pretty surprised when Rekha revealed that Abhimanyu had actually known that his sister and his best friend had feelings for each other and was okay with them dating whenever they decided to.

Aakansha turns to her brother and angrily asks, "If you were okay with our relationship, then what was that the other day?"

Abhimanyu nonchalantly replies, "Well that, my dear little sister, was a little something known as payback. You and Kabir have been teasing me and my lovely wife for almost a year. Priyanka might be nice enough to simply ignore it, but did you really think I wouldn't retaliate?"

Kabir looks at his best friend shocked by his answer.

Aakansha says, "That was really not fair, Dada. You scared both of us for a moment."

Abhimanyu retorts, "Not so fun when you're the target now, is it?"

Aakansha was about to say something, but Priyanka angrily interrupts, "Stop it both of you. Honestly, you're acting like two little whiny babies. Not another word from either of you about this matter. Am I clear?"

Abhimanyu and Aakansha looked at her with a mildly shocked expression, but they both nod quickly so that they don't anger the usually calm and composed Priyanka.

Rekha can't help but chuckle at the scene alone with Aakash.

They didn't expect to see Priyanka take a stand like that and successfully shut both Abhimanyu and Aakansha up in the middle of yet another pointless argument.


After Abhimanyu's warning, Kabir was also extra careful whenever he took Aakansha out on dates or even met her in any public place.

Neither of the couples went on many dates because all of them were working hard on getting the orphanage up and running as soon as possible.

Priyanka and Aakansha were both running around the city to get things done and also drum up some publicity for Ummeed.

They both went to different orphanages and child shelters to offer to take a few children so that they weren't as crowded.

Priyanka also found some children living on their own on the streets and offered them a safe place to live in the orphanage.

Abhimanyu and Kabir helped them in any way they could without attracting much attention towards them.

They set up a website for the orphanage to put out applications for jobs and also talked to a few NGOs to support their venture in order to help as many children as possible.


The unveiling of Ummeed was planned around the first week of February.

The children had been moved into the orphanage and they all had already adjusted well to the new environment.

The unveiling ceremony was only a formality to reveal the true owners of the orphanage to the media and general public.

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