Stop cursing!

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"Listen here, Mr. Jeon..." , the brunette said into the phone, "I'm not your fucking slave."

"God, Jungkook! You don't have to curse in every sentence, son."  He heard Jeon Jaewhan say through the other side.

Jungkook clenched his jaw. "I'm not your fucking son too." He could hear his father sigh on the other side.

"Okay, I know I'm not your favorite but you have to know, Jungkook. You're my only son, the heir to the compan–"

Jungkook laughed, mockingly. "Oh, I'm sure you can have more, Mr. Jeon. I wonder why didn't you?"

And Jungkook knew he had won the conversation for the time because what possibly can his cheater of a father reply to it.

"What happened, Mr. Jeon? Cat got your fucking tongue?", he mocks, again after a few seconds when no reply came.

"Son", his father sighed, "You have to take care of the company. Don't make me do something you won't like." His voice a bit stern now.

Jungkook clenched his jaw. "Are you fucking threatening me?"

"No, I'm just trying to get you to work. This is important for you, for me and the company. You have already finished your college, now, you need to handle the business."

"I have my own fucking company to take care of.", Jungkook says. And it's true.

He has recently started an agency, not really big but he'll get there, a photography agency. He opened it with one of his college seniors, Kim Namjoon.

Namjoon was a really nice guy with a high intelligence quotient, almost about 148, really handsome too with a nice body. The guy was a total sweetheart and a bit of a nerd but he was the best man Jungkook knew.

He was an ideal man that everyone dreams of.

"You and I, we both, know how successful your agency will be in the near future without any aid."

"Shut the fu-"

"No, no, son. Don't curse. I know you're really interested in photography and are passionate about it."

"Oh, I'm fucking surprised you even know.", He says in a bored tone.

Ignoring his remark, Mr. Jeon says, "All I'm saying is that you can handle our business and your friend can take care of that one. And as a CEO you can also back your company up."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "You don't get the point, do you? The thing is - I'm not interested in your fucking business."

"You're forcing me now, son.", the man from the other side said.

Jungkook scoffs. "More like you are fucking forcing me."

"Okay then, let's do it the billionaire way.", he hears his father say with a chuckle and he knows what he is going to hear would be something he will hate.

"Jeon Jungkook.", his father's voice indicated that the older was now in strictly business mode, "Be here at the company tomorrow. Sharp at eleven or else your other company will be suffering the loss for it."

He could picture his father's smirk from the other side, but before he could answer back with a snarky remark himself, the older already cut the call and the audacity to chuckle before hanging up.

"Ughhhhhhh Jeon fucking Jaewhan!!! How fucking dare you? How could you fucking hang up on me like that? I will fucking end you!!!"

"Shut up, Jungkook!", an irritated voice snapped. The said male looked at Namjoon, who had been sitting there.

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