I Wear Whatever The Fuck I Want!

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👆Bring back Jungkook with long hair!

I feel angry today, idk why tf tho

Enjoy the chapter!!!!


"Jungkook, I'm going out now and you better be at your father's company unless you want to get kicked out of this apartment."

Jungkook rolls his eyes, ignoring Namjoon's threats. Namjoon who was packing his bag for the day, looks at the younger and he knows that the stubborn kid in the younger will not listen to him.

"Jeon Jungkook!"

Jungkook hisses at the loud voice. "Aish, stop talking so fucking loudly."

Namjoon shrugs. "Start listening when I talk. But your stubborn ass only listens when I shout . So, shouting it is.", he says.

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "Fine, whatever. I will go to that old man's company and see what he fucking wants. You better deal with the customers we are having today.", he says.

Namjoon smiles a satisfied one and ruffles the younger's hair. "Good boy, Kookie.",he says, "Behave with daddy, mh? Don't trouble him too much."

Jungkook growls and pushes his hand away. "Stop calling him my daddy."

Namjoon smirks. "Why so shy? You called him daddy when you were young. Don't ya remember, Kookie?", he teased the younger.

Jungkook visible cringes on the memories. How he used to run all around the house yelling for his father. And it's true that he did call him daddy.
Ugh, he was young and if he knew what the other innuendo of the word was, he would never.

That's simply embarrassing, dude.
Not to mention hella awkward.

Also, his father and him, have not been on good terms since his father cheated on his wife, Jungkook's mother.

Jungkook was just sixteen when this happened. Yes, the rebellious phase he was facing due to being a teenager, the incident only happened to provide wood to the fire as it burnt his whole home down.

Jungkook's mother and father divorced. Since, Jungkook's father was the earning man of the family, his custody eventually went to him. His mother left and now resided in a different country, Japan - to be specific.

No, she did not cut her ties with Jungkook. She was a lovely woman and Jungkook loved her. She used to call him daily which slowly but eventually reduced to weekly calls, to monthly and now, occasionally.

But she still cared. Jungkook knew. He knew she was heartbroken. He did not blame her. She loved him still.

It was his father's fault.

He was the one who cheated on her.

That day sparked the hate in Jungkook's heart for his father. He hated him for destroying his happy family.

The day they signed the divorce papers was the day Jungkook went out of control.

He was never really a shy guy. Not really a bad one, but rebellious. It was cute, really, at the start but after all this chaos, it slowly turned nasty.

Illegal drinking, drunkenly driving, fighting people illegally, picking fights up with random people, spending time in the gym more than he ever did at home.

Jungkook did all and everything to fuck his father's life up, to fuck his reputation up but that rich motherfucker always had his ways to get away from it.

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