Not so bratty birthday boy

552 56 85

(it's a surprise to me as well)

Can't believe I'm updating this after more than an year.

don't kill me, okay? 🥺



"So how many investors did you find yet?", Namjoon asked sipping his tea as he looked down at Jungkook.

The younger rolled his eyes at the ceiling from where he was lying on the floor like a starfish, legs and arms wide open, head lolling to one side pretending to be dead.

In his defense, he is trying to stay grounded, no one question him.

"Do you ever feel like you've made a fucking mistake?"

"I don't know, ask your father."

Jungkook picked his head up to shoot him a deadly glare. "You want me to throw your fucking bonsai down the 9th floor? He won't survive I fucking assure you."

Namjoon cleared his throat before pushing out a no. He masked his pain with a smile before asking again, "So how many?"

"Well, I had meeting with four investors.", he sighed, "Two of them agreed, one fucking denied because apparently the fucker did not have eXpErtIEs in the field and last one I had to kick the fuck out because he kept irritating me."

Namjoon nodded. "And Kim?"

Jungkook's mood soured. "Four."

The bonsai daddy wanted to laugh but he loved his son too much to sacrifice him in hands of the insolent brat that is in front of him.

"Oh, wow! As expected. He is not the number 1 for no reasons." He said instead, which is not a good save either.

He should've known better.

Jungkook's mood darkened further. The audacity of this man to praise his opponent in front of him is applaudable.

"Did I ask?"

"No, but you were listening."

Jungkook took out a lighter from his pockets and glared at him while flicking it alight.

"You want me to set fire to—"

My man was absolutely terrified.
"NO! No! I'm saying you still have so much time. You can do better than him, Jungkookie. Obviously you will."

Namjoon finally breathed out when Jungkook plopped his head back on the floor and sighed, throwing away the lighter which the older kicked away as far as he can. Just to be safer.

Jungkook was so frustrated, he felt like shouting out loudly at every single human. Well, these are the side effects of taking up challenges up your ass in a hurry.

"This shit is fucking me so much I feel like I'm fucking pregnant!"

"With Kim Taehyung's baby?"

Jungkook got up and stalked towards Namjoon's room where the fucking bonsai was... having his last few breaths in peace.

Namjoon had only a few seconds to cope up with what's happening before he was out of his seat and at Jungkook's feet, begging.


"Son's gotta pay for his dumb father's deeds." Jungkook muttered darkly. "Like I am"


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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