2. Brigham

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Brigham ran across the street. His short hair didn't help his head from being drenched. His long sleeved shirt and long pants were completely soaked. His bare feet splashed in puddles as he ran.

He arrived at a store. The sign glowing as bright as the sun. There were a couple of cars darted around in the parking lot. He stare for a moment.

He heard a something like a garage behind to open. And lucky for him, it lead the storage room. He took a moment to check his surroundings. He didn't see anyone. He ran in, and hid behind a huge box.

He did it! He was safe! They tried to catch him, but now he was safe. Now... he had to survive.

He waited a little while. Once the lights went off, he got up. His clothes were drier than before, but they were still wet.

He let his eyes adjust to the darkness, before moving around. He started checking some of the boxes to see if he could find some clothes. After a bit, he managed to find enough dry clothes. He threw his old clothes into the garbage.

Then, he looked around for something to eat. He started to tear up. He pulled up a box of small cakes. He tore it open, picking one of them and taking a big bite. Tears started to fall down his face, as the flavor filled his mind.

Like a wild animal, he chomped down over and over on the food. He went to pick up another. There weren't anymore. He paused, taking a deep sigh. Should he get another? Or should he just leave it alone.

The food would still be there in the morning. He'd just eat then. Brigham picked up the wrappers and box, throwing it in the trash can.

Suddenly, he heard someone walking around. Swiftly, he hid back behind the crate, and stared out through a crack. It was a security guard, holding a flashlight. He stayed quiet, his heart beating faster and faster.

He watched them walk out. After a couple of minutes, he took a deep sigh. His heart wasn't slowing down. It hit him. He shouldn't have ate that many cakes. He sprinted out from his hiding place, pulling out the pair pants he threw away. He grabbed a bag, and pulled all the needles out of the pockets and put them inside.

He grabbed one, and stuck it into the back of his upper arm. He took deep breaths, until his heart wasn't racing as fast. He took the needle, and threw it into the garbage. He pulled the bag over onto his shoulder, and walked over to another crate.

He forced it open. He took a sleeping bag from inside, and closed it. He walked back over to the boxes, and laid down. For a moment, he stared at the ceiling. He took a deep sigh, closing his eyes.

He was awoken to the sound of the garage opening. Swiftly, he stood up, running into a small office. He entered to see that there was a one way mirror, and he could watch from the other side.

"Hey, did someone sneak in or something?" One worker asked. The other walked over, looking at the whatever they were seeing. Suddenly, they started gasping for breath.
"Those... have... peanut butter..." they slowly said. They were standing above the trash can, where he threw away the excess. The other started to panic.
"Okay! Let me go grab an epipen from the pharmacy!" The said. Quickly, they ran towards the office. Brigham quickly hid under the desk. He watched the person grab a key from the wall, and race away.

He stopped to think for a moment. He smiled to himself. Yeah, that would work. He'd do it that night.

Night came by. The garage door closed. This was his chance. He got out from under the desk, and grabbed the key from the wall.

He snuck through the storage room. Finally, he made his way to a door. He opened it, revealing a large grocery store. He quickly ran through, staying out of sight from the guards and got into the pharmacy. He closed the door, and immediately went to the needles.

He found where he needed to be. He opened the bag, and slid every single one off the shelf into his bag. Then, he grabbed a box, opened it, and stuffed even more into his bag. Once he was done, he dumped the rest from the box onto the shelf.

He snuck his way into the sweets part of the store. He grabbed a giant bag of candy, that you'd see parents buy for Halloween. But now he was stealing it. But hey, you get it for free if you walk around in costumes and grab it from people's doorsteps, so why not? Would anyone even miss it?

He snuck back to his hiding spot, getting into his sleeping bag. And to think, he ran away yesterday in the cold rain. He could probably survive for a very long time.

He paused. Maybe he should leave at some point. It's not a good idea to stay at a place that's heavily guarded, especially when it's literally right next to the harvest camp.

Magic Kingdom, that's what it was called. The only thing magic about it was how nobody had sued the place. Or any other harvest camp for that matter! Does the world just want to watch it's population crumble? Do they want everything to burn?

He closed his eyes. He needed to stop these thoughts. Because at the moment, there wasn't anything he could do. But in the future, he was going to show the world how wrong they were.

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