4. Anka

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Anka smirked. She looked over to her friend Logan, who had driven her home.

"Thanks. See you at the next one." She said, getting out of the car. He stared at her, holding a beer bottle in one of his hands, as he chuckled in a strange way, and then hiccuped. Then, he drove off.

It was so much fun. Sneaking out to all the neighborhood parties, where they'd smoke, drink, play "games". It passed the time... a little to well. But it wasn't like anyone would notice she was out.

Her grandparents had raised her. She basically couldn't be stopped. She stopped at the front door. Staring at the welcome mat.

She looked at her arm. It was covered in bandages, and seemed to be thinner than the rest of her body. Her skin was half black, half white. Her hair was half gray and half dark. It was the result of a dare. But she didn't care that much.

Her grandparents did though. They started being all mushy, and sobbing. Anka didn't really understand why they cared so much. They weren't her real parents.

She opened the door, and closed it behind her. Slowly, she tip toed up stairs. She got in bed, and closed her eyes. Ready to sleep for the night.

Suddenly she heard the sound of sirens. She sat up, and looked out the window. Her eyes went wide, as she watched cops breaking down the door. Quickly, she did her best to open the window. Ready to jump out and make a break for it.

But... it was bolted down? How did that happen? She'd always climb down from the window! That's how she snuck out all the time!

Suddenly, she was grabbed from behind. Being tackled and put into handcuffs. She didn't have enough time to react. She struggled as much as she possibly could.

"STATE YOUR FULL NAME!!!" The cop yelled. It felt like he was screaming in her ear.
"I'm your sleep paralysis demon." She laughed. The officer lifted her off the ground, and started shoving her around.
"Listen up unwind! You're gonna cooperate with us!" The officer said. Her heart started to race.
"UNWIND!?" She screamed. She struggled, kicking back and forth to free herself. She was taken downstairs. In the corner of her eye, she could see her grandparents, sitting there looking ashamed, as she threw herself back and forth. "YOU GUYS DID THIS!? YOU'RE HORRIBLE!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU BITCHES RAISED ME!!! YOU'RE HORRIBLE HUMAN BEINGS."

She was shoved into the back of a cop car. The door being locked, and the officers getting into the front. She stared out the window at the home with people who betrayed her. People she thought she could trust. But no, now she was going to be unwound.

"Hey, could we stop by Yackos? I'd looooove a burger right about now." She laughed. The cops looked at each other. "I'd like a double decker cheese burger and cheesy fries." She couldn't help but giggle to herself.
"Do you know what? Why not." The cop driving the car said. Anka paused, stared at them with a suspicious look on her face. They pulled up to the drive thru. "We'd like two chocolate milk shakes, two burgers and fries. That's all."
"Hey! What about me!?" Anka said, as they pulled to the window. She stared at the person at the register. "Hey! Violet!" The girl looked at her, and groaned.
"Yeah, that's what I expected. Good job being arrested." She said, handing over the milk shakes.
"Nah, I'm not a criminal." She replied. The girl stared at her for a moment, and then gasped.
"Oh my god... I- I'm... I'm so sorry..." she responded. Anka rolled her eyes.

She stared out at the moon as they pulled out of the drive thru. She listened to the cops eat and laugh. Occasionally they'd take a drink.

They did it to make fun of her. They did it to tell her that she wasn't a person. They did it to be selfish, and unruly. They did it... to solidify it into her brain that no one was going to help her.

The car stopped. They were at a bus stop. She was pulled up, and dragged into the bus. She was handcuffed to the seat. She struggled, trying to break free.

"Ha!" Someone laughed. The kid smirked at her.
"What's so funny!?" She yelled back. The kid looked away.
"Oh shut up! Don't yell at me for my misfortune!" She said. The kid looked back to her. Her eyes widened, as he held up a key.
"You wanna get out of here?"

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