18. Kingsley

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Kingsley stared at the ceiling, laying on a hay bail on the top floor of this strange little barn. Even though he was fixated on one spot, his mind kept darting around in his head. Filling every inch of his brain with confusion, sorrow, and guilt.

His mind picked a topic. One that he wished he could throw away. But now it was permanently locked there. Trapped in his headspace of all types of people.


He had to have been an unwind. The evidence stuck out as if it were a tree in a field. He was giving up on his dreams of being a chef a few days prior. He ran away when the cops showed up at the door. He tried to give him a piece of paper, but decided to hide it in his pocket. And he was sad when they were all leaving.

How could he not have seen it before? Actually? Why hadn't he talked about Kanai and his problems!? He was so focused on himself and his strange memories! And now, his best friend was probably dead.

He grabbed onto his head, and sat up. His mind was clouded, bringing in all of the dark figures. And Kanai stood in the center, being dragged away by the people. And Kingsley could only stand and watch.

"Hey, you okay?" Wendy asked. He looked up to her, sitting up from his slouched position.
"Yeah..." he said, looking away from her.  Suddenly, he felt a slight pain in his shoulder. "Ow! Why'd you punch me!?"
"It's gonna be okay." She replied. He angrily pulled his arm away.
"I told you I'm fine..." he explained, shimmying away from her a bit.
"Listen, I know you're worried about Kanai. I am to. But he's gonna be okay." Wendy reassured. "Lawerence is going out tomorrow, and he's gonna find him."

Why was Kingsley so... angry? He'd never acted like this before. But some sort of instinct was making him angry. Making him frustrated. It almost scared him. But he pushed it down. Whatever it was, he didn't want to deal with it right now.

"Here, let's watch something on the TV." She said, picking up a remote. "It'll distract us." He paused.
"Sure..." he said, looking up at the old TV that hung on the wall. She turned it on. Kingsley went wide eyed. A picture of Kanai showed up on screen.
"Local Harvest Camp, Magic Kingdom, had every single unwind run away from the holding center. It's believed that a boy named Kanai Hitoshi, believed to be an unwind, led this escape. After leading the group out, he was the only one left behind for police to arrest. Currently, it is said that he is being interrogated by the cops. No other information has been leaked to the public yet, but once we get the information, we will update you." The news man announced. Kingsley's jaw dropped. He looked to Wendy, who's face was a bright red, and fury trapped in her eyes.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"No. I'm angry." She replied.
"It's gonna be okay." He reassures, patting her on the shoulder. She looks up at him, losing a bit of rage from her face.
"I'm not gonna let him die." She responded. He smiled.
"I know you won't."

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