16. Shaun

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Shaun stared at Brigham. It was a horrible idea, but he knew he could use it as a distraction. While he was doing that, he'd pickpocket other people, and get the money all by himself. It would leave that guy to be a liability.

He started off but singing a couple of notes, to introduce "the star of the show". Brigham jumped out, seeming extremely excited. He started to vocalize, while dancing and jumping. I seemed to relax him.

Shaun didn't pay attention as much. He stood next to a woman, holding a baby. Slowly, he reached for her pocket. She was completely distracted by the music, bobbing her head. Maybe Brigham was of some use. Finally, he pulled the wallet from her pocket.

Suddenly, it was slapped out of his hand, onto the ground. He was pushed back, as Brigham continued to dance and sing while he handed the wallet back to the lady. He smiled at her and then glared at Shaun. He replied with his own visible anger.

He was grabbed by the wrist, and pulled over to the fountain, where Brigham had been singing. Now, he was put on the spot. Rage filled his mind, as he wish he could start violently punching and swearing at him. But they were performing in a public space. So, if he did, the cops would be called.

He started to sing, as Brigham harmonized. He didn't consider himself to be a good singer, honestly he hated singing in the first place. But the crowd... seemed to enjoy it?

He was mesmerized. He was frozen. Did... did they actually like it? They liked him? They... supported him-

No, there was no way. Everyone was focused on Brigham. The real star. Not some sad kid who... who...

He walked away. This wasn't his performance. Plus, they weren't going to make any money from that endeavor. He had to focus on pickpocketing. That was the only way.

He stood next to a man. He seemed to be some sort of construction man. But maybe that was just the vibe he gave off. He reached for the wallet in his pocket.

Yet again, he was pulled away by Brigham, who glared at him again. This time, he was forced to dance along with him. Something he wasn't good at. But he joined anyway. He didn't want to, but he wasn't allowed to say no.

Then, he looked down. Brigham had set up an open, empty can. And there was... money in it? Lots of it! If he had to guess how much was in there, it would come around to fifty dollars.

He looked to him, completely and utterly confused. He was met with a smile, Brigham started to dance with him yet again. Shaun didn't know what was going on. But it seemed... fun?

He stared at the crowd. They were smiling. Not just at Brigham, but at him to! They supported his endeavors! They supported what he was doing!

He paused. This wasn't the same situation. They weren't supporting him for his thoughts. For his feelings. For what he wanted to do with his life. They were supporting the song. The music. The dancing. He couldn't find enjoyment in knowing people supported him... because they weren't celebrating him. Like his parents had done.

They stopped singing, and people threw money into the can. Brigham bowed as the people began to leave. He ran forward, picking it up. He started to count everything.

"Shaun! We got seventy four dollars and six cents! This is great!" He celebrated. Shaun stared at the can, a bit sadly. He frowned. If only they supported his feelings... and the fact that he was...
"RUN!!!" Anka yelled from the distance. Shaun looked to the two of them, as they ran from the cops.

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