7. Brigham

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He sat up, waking up from his nap. It had been about four days since he ran away. And he was surviving just fine on his own. But to be honest, he was bored.

Sitting around in a small area, hiding behind boxes. And then only coming out at night to grab food, and stretch his legs. Which wasn't very interesting.

There was one thing he noticed. He was far skinnier then he remembered. His arms seemed like toothpicks to what was in his memories. He didn't know if he was delusional or not, but his black skin seemed lighter as well. But that may have just been illusion from his mind, taunting him.

He sat down on a crate, staring at the ground. He opened his bag, staring at the many needles and the candy bag inside. He stole this stuff. It was only for survival, right? Maybe he could get a job at the store. Then he could pay it all back.

It was getting to him. His eyes tears up, as he closed it. He put his hands to his face, letting the water run down his palms and onto his arms.

Were they right to send him to be unwound? No, that wasn't the reason. He knew what it was. He scowled, as he took out a needle from the bag. He stared at it. Tears formed in his eyes, yet again. He took his other hand, and wiped them away. But he still couldn't get rid over the looming feeling of sorrow.

"HEY!!!" Someone yelled. Quickly, he stood up, discreetly stuffing the needle into his pocket. A guard pointed a flashlight at him, blinding him. He put up a hand, trying to stop the light from getting into his eyes. Suddenly, the bag he was carrying was ripped away from him. "Get out street urchin!" He said, grabbing onto the hood of his jacket.
"Hey! Wait! Give it back!" He pleaded. Suddenly, he was thrown outside, and the door closed behind him. He stood up, his mind filled with panic yet again.

Slowly, he checked his pockets. A single needle, and two small chocolate bars. His mind became clouded, as tears formed in his eyes. He couldn't survive like this. He had to get out of town.

He looked up. A semi truck was there, loaded up with crates. This was it. This was how he would get out of there.

He started to move towards the back of the truck. He stopped. Slowly, he turned around. The sound of someone crying entered his ears, though it was very quiet. Quickly, he rushed towards the noise, leading him to a hill.

Down at the very bottom, he could see two Juvey cops, standing by someone at the bus stop. They just happened to be crying, and even from that far away he could see the tears falling to the ground. He paused, looking back at the semi truck. They were loading in the final boxes. He wouldn't have enough time to help the kid, and even if he did it he'd have to get in and out in a couple of seconds.

He ran forward, sliding down the hill. He raced over, and grabbed the kid by the wrist, and sprinting back up the hill. He heard the sound of the cops yelling. But he pushed through it, not stopping to look at the kid he was dragging along.

Quickly, he jumped into the back of the semi truck, closing it up. He sprinted to the back where all the boxes were, and jumped behind one with the kid. He wiped the sweat from his face, as he took in deep breaths.

He looked back up the person he had saved. Pure shock and dread filled the boys eyes, as he stared at him. Brigham didn't really under this. He'd just saved him! Why was this kid acting like he was insane?

"Are you okay?" He asked. He reached his hand out. The boy pulled himself farther away, even though he was leaning right on the side of the semi truck. He sighed. "Sorry... I just thought I did something good." The kid looked at him, a bit sadly. Quickly, they checked their pockets for something. Brigham didn't understand what was going on. The kid pulled out his pockets, and gained a sad expression on his face. He looked at the ground, ignoring him.

Was this kid okay? Why was he crying before but suddenly freaked out after he saved him? He assumed they were an unwind. Was something else going on?

Brigham didn't know how much time had passed. But it felt like a hour. And neither of them had said a word the entire time. Just completely silent.

"Hi... what's your name?" The kid said, his voice sounding cheery, but his face looked sad and remorseful. But it was progress for Brigham. He smiled.
"I'm Brigham... but..."

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