12. Shaun

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Shaun stared at what was on the screen. He couldn't wrap his head around it. He looked back up at the boy, who was standing there, looking into his eyes.

"So... you guys unwinds?" He asked. Shaun's mind filled with anger, as he put his phone into his pocket. He face palmed.
"Let me get this straight... you guys are run away unwinds." He pointed at the boy. He nodded. "AND YOU'RE A FUCKING DIABETIC!?" He screamed. The boy stared at him with shock, and then looked to the floor. He nodded, seeming ashamed as he grabbed onto his arm. "Unbelievable! I'm stuck with these people!?"
"Shaun, stop." Anka said. He glared at her, as she spoke. Quickly, she walked over to him. She put her mouth to his ear. "We can use them for now. If we get in trouble, we can leave them behind." She whispered. He thought about it for a moment.
"Alright." He replied. He looked back over at the people. "Fine, I'll help you guys..."
"I never asked for your help-"
"But you guys have to put in the work to survive as well." Shaun said, completely ignoring what the boy said. The other boy, with red hair, stared almost scared. But stayed silent the entire time.
"Okay?" The boy said, rolling his eyes.
"Alright, my name is Shaun, also known as the leader of this little group. Everything I say is law." He explained, a devilish smirk on his face. The two boys looked to each other, and then back at him.
"No." The boy with dark skin said. Shaun strutted over to him, and started to whisper in his ear.
"I wasn't asking you, this is a demand." He mumbled.
"Well they won't be met." He replied, starting to walk away. He pulled the girl who was laying on the floor up, and looked to the guy with curly red hair. "Come on Kanai, let's get out of here."

Shaun froze. Kanai? That guy from the news? The only guy left at the harvest camp when everyone else escaped? The hero who made it out alive? The hero who sacrificed himself so all the others could get away? The hero who single handedly manage to help unwinds escape? That Kanai!?

He rushed forward , grabbing the kid by the wrist. He stared back at him, fear in his eyes. This was him! Red, curly hair. Pale skin. Asian. Quickly, he pulled him away from the guy with black skin, trapping Kanai in a neck hold.

"What are you doing!?" The guy yelled, as Shaun held the boy, who was trying to escape.
"Listen up! This guy single handedly helped hundreds of unwinds escape captivity!" He said, pointing to a Kanai with his other hands. The half and half girl stared at him, completely surprised.
"Really?" She asked. She looked at the guy with curly hair, who had tears in his eyes as he desperately tried to free himself from the neck hold. "He just looks like a scared little boy to me."
"Have you even seen the news!?" He yelled.

Suddenly, Kanai screamed in pain and agony. Violently convulsing, as tears fell off his face as fast as a waterfall. He dropped to the floor, as he shrieked. The agonizing sound finally stopped, as he fell to the ground. Gone and out.

Everyone stood in shock. Shaun's hands felt a tingle to them, as everyone stared at the lifeless boy on the floor. Everyone was silent, and frozen. The guy with dark skin suddenly ran forward, putting two fingers to his neck. He threw his hand back, almost seeming to have been zapped from the smallest touch. But quickly, he continued, feeling for a pulse.

"Oh my god he's alive..." he said, relieved.
"What did you do!?" Anka yelled at him.
"What are you talking about!? I didn't do anything!" Shaun screamed back. Suddenly, there was moving out of the corner of his eyes. He looked over to see the passed out girl, now standing up. Her posture defensive, and her eyes scared, as she stared at the lifeless body on the floor.

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