13. Milo

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Milo stared out the car window. An empty field. But behind them were three buses full of unwinds. All headed to the same place, in hopes of survival.

Somehow, they had escaped the harvest camp. He didn't know how. They just did. And everyone was okay!? It was amazing! And he knew that Bridge had to be alive to. There were just so many unwinds, he had to be one of them. Everything was great.

Wendy was excited, because she was the leader of an unwinds group. Kingsley was happy because he finally felt at peace with the world. Irene was just glad to be alive. Even though she could move any part of her body expect for her head, she was still grateful. Lawerence was exhilarating knowing that his little sister was alive. And finally, Milo was excited to see Bridge. He wanted to apologize for leaving him at the harvest camp. To tell him that he was here now, and he wasn't going to leave him behind again.

Suddenly he paused. His mind clouded with a bad thought. One that infected every area of the brain that was joyful. He stared at the floor, losing his smile.

"What's gonna to happen to Kanai?" Milo asked. Everyone looked at him, questioningly.
"What do you mean?" Kingsley responded. "He's probably sitting at home."
"Yeah... but... what if the police got him?" Milo replied. Suddenly, Kingsley's face went pale. As if he knew something. A horrible secret.
"Kingsley what's wrong?" Irene asked. Slowly, he sat back down. Wendy seemed to have the same realization, as she started to sweat.
"SHIT!!!" She yelled, unbuckling her seat belt. Quickly, she reached for the steering wheel. But Lawrence pushed her hand away.
"What are you doing!?" He snapped back. Wendy's face was filled with desperation and anger.
"WE HAVE TO GO BACK FOR KANAI!!! HE'S AN UNWIND!!!" Wendy screamed. Irene and Milo stared at each other, as if the context clues finally hit them.
"I'll head back for him tomorrow! But I can't do anything right now because we have about a hundred unwinds following us to the safe house!" Lawerence replied, glaring at her. She rolled her eyes, sitting back down and bucking herself into her seat.

No, he couldn't be an unwind. That didn't make any sense... right? His parents would nave tha even done that to Kanai! There wasn't a reason! Or... maybe there was.

He flushed the thought out of his mind. He had to stay happy, especially since he was going to see Bridge. And nothing was stopping him.

Finally, they made it there. It was an abandoned barn, out in the middle of nowhere. And this was the place he was going to stay. With all the others. Completely safe.

He got out of the car. Quickly, he walked up to the doors, pushing them open. It didn't look as comfortable as a house, but it would help them survive. He turned around, staring out at the sea of unwinds. Waiting to see Bridge.

He analyzed a face. Not him. He analyzed another. Not him. He analyzed every single one. Not him. Finally, the last one wandered inside. A small boy, who had crutches. He smiled at him, before disappearing inside of the barn.

He fell to the floor. No. He wasn't alive. Bridge was dead. Unwound before he managed to get everyone out. And now, all he could do was cry.

He accepted it, because it was a fact. How could he be so stupid? How could he possibly hope for the best? He let himself fall to the floor, unable to come to terms with his mistake. His horrible, horrible mistake.

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