3. Chrysanthemum

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She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath of fresh air. This was it. Something she had been planning for so long. Now, all she had to do was survive the school day. Why didn't she ask her parents if she could go to a private school? They were rich, she could've avoided this one whole situation in the first place.

She paused. That was right. Melinda Cress. Her best friend since... diapers. They weren't very similar, quite the opposite actually. Chrysanthemum was slim, Melinda was curvy. Chrysanthemum was serious and focused, Melinda was kind and hyper. Chrysanthemum spent her time studying while Melinda would sing and have fun. The biggest difference was their belief systems

Still, even with these things, they became friends. And they were still friends to this very day. She smiled, knowing it would be okay.

She walked into the building. Chrysanthemum watched as kids pushed and shoved each other. Gossiped behind others backs and laughed. Call other slurs and steal their things.

Suddenly, her notebook and pencil smacked to the floor, with letters falling out of the pages. A guy with brown hair laughed, as she knelt down to pick up her things. She rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Very funny Edgar." Chrysanthemum said, standing up with all of her stuff.
"Yeah, it's nice knowing you're better then everyone else." He replied, a devilish smirk on his face. She stared, her eyes narrow.
"You know, I had these party invitations I wanted to give to everyone, but I guess that you're to stuck up to know anything." She responded. He lost his smile, as he scowled. "This could be the fanciest thing you ever go to. But that's not gonna happen, is it?" She teased. Suddenly, he ripped one of them out of her hand. "HEY!!! GIVE THAT BACK!!!" She went to slap him, but he grabbed her by the wrist. He stared at her, giving her some mixed messages. After a moment of silence, his face went soft.
"Hey... um..." he paused. He seemed to be conflicted in his own thoughts. His eyes were glossy and watery.
"Are you... crying?" She asked, looking at him with a disgusted expression. He turned away, stuffing the invitation into his pocket.
"I hate you." He said, walking away. Chrysanthemum stood there, completely and utterly confused.
"Hey Cristy!" Melinda yelled, waving to her. She had fuzzy black hair in a ponytail. She sighed, and walked over to her.
"Hey Mel. How are you?" She asked.
"I'm fine. What's that?" She pointed at the envelopes she was carrying.
"These are for tomorrow's party! And I'd like you to come." She said, giving her one. Mel gasped, but it wasn't in a good way. Her cheery attitude disappeared. "What? What's wrong?"
"Oh! It's nothing." She said, a weak smile on her face. "I was just hoping..." she paused. Chrysanthemum smiled at her, and gave her a big hug.
"I'm gonna be okay, and so are you." She said, giving her a grin. Melinda nodded.
"Yeah... of course." She stared at the floor. "You should probably pass out the rest of those."
"I'll see you tomorrow." Chrysanthemum said, walking away.

Today was the day. The butlers carried around fancy snacks. The table was perfectly set. The guests had arrived.

Everything she had planned. The music was from her favorite artists. The snacks were all recipes she had perfected. This was it. The biggest most magical party of her entire life. There were even some other rich families!

She look at herself in the mirror. Her short, dark brown, curly hair barely went below her neck. Her skin was a light light brown, with a mix of beige. She wore a cream colored fitted satin blouse with long sleeves, and a long midnight blue skirt, that flowed out a bit at her waist and her knees. She wore silver astrid sandals, that lifted the back of her foot about two inches off the ground. She had the most expensive makeup that money could buy, thanks to her parents.

She was ready. She looked perfect. Now, hopefully everything else would be perfect as well.

She walked down the long stairs. She saw other rich families talking in one of the corners. She saw some of the people from her school sneaking food. Her brother was standing next to the table, staring at everything. Then she saw Melinda, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs. She was wearing a spaghetti-strapped, teal sparkly dress. Chrysanthemum smiled at her.

"Hey Cristy! This is all..." she paused to look at the big house. "so beautiful..."
"Yeah, I've been planning this for awhile. It was supposed to happen last year, but I wanted to make sure everything was perfect." Chrysanthemum said, smiling at her. Melinda didn't seem to have the same enthusiasm.
"Hey..." someone said, touching her shoulder. She turned around to see Edgar, wearing a nice suit.
"We'll look who showed up." She replied. He stared at the floor for a second. She gave him a confused expression. Suddenly, he pulled her into a hug.
"I'm love you... and I'm so sorry that you have to go through this..." he responded. Chrysanthemum angrily shoved him away.
"LISTEN UP!!! YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT YOU BULLIED ME, AND YOU SOMEHOW GOT A CRUSH!? WELL I DON'T CARE!!! ALSO, DON'T YOU DARE FEEL SORRY FOR ME!!! THIS IS WHAT I WANT!!!" She screamed. Somehow, it was drowned out by the music for everyone else in the room. But Melinda and Edgar both heard it. He stood there, his mouth open wide. Mel stared, on the verge of tears. "Get out." He did as he was told, walking out of the building.
"Cristy..." Melinda said softly. She angrily looked over at her, before her expression softened. She watched as he best friend run up the stairs, crying.

What? What did she do wrong? She was just telling that guy off!

She stopped. They didn't want the same thing for her. The thing she had been waiting for for so long. None of them had the same ideals. No one wanted the same thing. Except for her parents.

She raced upstairs, following the sound of sobbing. She approached the bathroom door, and knocked. The crying immediately stopped.

"Hey... Mel?" Chrysanthemum said. "It's gonna be okay."
"No! It's n- not!" She sniffled. "I need you Cristy! I care about you so much, and if... if you leave..." everything went silent.
"Come out, and we can talk about it." She replied. The silence returned. But the door started to open. Melinda's face had streams of black makeup falling down her face. "Here, let's get your makeup all fixed up." She said, grabbing a makeup kit out of the cabinet. She started to do her make up after wiping the original off.
"I- I'm sorry... I don't know what got into me... I shouldn't have-" she began.
"Mel. I know you don't want me to leave. But it's been my dream for so long. And I'm going to be fine." She said, smiling at her. She still looked a bit sorrowful, but gave her a smile.
"I'm so sorry I didn't believe in you." She replied. Chrysanthemum responded with a laugh.
"It's okay." She paused, just as she finished the make up. She put both of her hands out and faces them up. Melinda stared for a moment, before putting her own hands on top. "Please bless my friend, Melinda Knowles, to live a long and happy life. I don't want her to suffer from rude individuals, and horrible thoughts. Bless her to continue to smile for many years after I leave. Bless her to make her own life, and to meet new friends. And make sure that she knows, that she's the best friend I could ever ask for. Amen." She looked up to Melinda, who looked like she was on the verge of happy tears.
"Thank you..." she said, pulling Chrysanthemum into a hug. They smiled together, knowing that they'd both be okay.

Chrysanthemum stared out the window. It was the day after the party. It went perfectly. And having that talk with Mel made her even more content with leaving.

She folded her white silk clothes, and put them into her suitcase. She put on her expensive makeup, and then headed down the stairs. She smiled, as she saw her parents at the door. She followed them outside, and got into the back of the limo.

She stared outside as they moved farther from the mansion. She grinned, as she stared at the beautiful day outside her window. She was content either everything in her life as Chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum... the tithe.

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