17. Anka

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Everyone walked off, leaving Anka and Chrysanthemum alone together. She shrugged it off, since she suggested this. But she was starting to regret it. Maybe she could go over with Shaun instead.

"So, uh, how do you suggest we make some money?" Anka asked. The tithe girl didn't seem to be paying attention to her, and instead was staring at the surrounding area. "Hello?"
"You could turn me in for being a tithe. Lost unwinds go for a lot these days, especially since people think they'll run away. Mostly because of the incident at the Magic Kingdom Harvest Camp." She explained.

Anka had almost spaced out. The only things she really heard were "turn in, tithe, lost unwinds go for a lot, run away, incident". She paused, trying to put the words together. Her sentence was far from what she had said. "I'm going to turn you guys in since I'm a tithe, and regular unwinds go for a lot of money. And then I'll run away, and no one will remember the incident." Anka was furious.

"How could you suggest such a thing!?" She yelled. Chrysanthemum stared at her.
"Um, okay? It wouldn't be that big of a deal. It's what I want." She replied.
"I'm not going to die! Also, why do Tithes always believe they're better then everyone else!?" She yelled. Chrysanthemum stared, a bit confused.
"Whatever." She said, beginning to walk away. Anka followed behind her.
"Where are you going!?" She yelled.
"I don't know. I'm not gonna stay here though." She replied.
"Here, I have an idea on how we can make some money." She said with a smirk. The tithe girl looked up at her, unimpressed. "We could rob that little store over there." She pointed to a small shop.
"No." She replied. Anka felt annoyed.
"Well I'm not letting you turn me in for money, and there's literally no way we could make anything any other way!" She responded.
"What? What do you mean? I never said anything like that!" She replied. Anka paused for a moment, trying to think back. But she couldn't remember anything she had said at this point. There was only word she remembered originally. Unwind.
"Well, whatever!" She said, starting to walk over to the little store. Quickly, she picked up a rock off of the ground, and threw it. It shattered the window, and set the alarms off. She jumped inside, and grabbed the cash register. No regards for what was going on. She just ripped it from its place. She started to sprint away. She grabbed Chrysanthemum by the wrist, and dragged her along.

She could hear the police chasing after them. She could laugh. This was about the fifth time she had run away from the police. But now it was for two things. For being an unwind or robbing a store. It was funny to her.

"RUN!!!" She yelled out to Brigham and Shaun. Both stared at them, completely and utterly surprised. Quickly, they all started running as fast as they could.
"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Brigham screamed. Anka laughed in response.
"She did the only sensible way of making money!" Shaun chuckled. He smirked at her, continuing to run. Brigham glared at the two of them.
"We have to find Kanai and Kiara!" He yelled. She smirked. It would be so easy to leave those two behind. Honestly, she could probably run away with Shaun and be perfectly fine. And it was her choice not there's. Because none of them mattered... except for her.

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