6. Juvey Cop.

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The Juvey Cop stood outside of the room, looking at the case file. He studied it very closely. After reading it, he closed it up. He handed it to his partner, and then walked into the room.

He sat in front of a boy. He seemed panicked, his hands cuffed and his legs tied. His eyes stared into his soul, pleading to be set free. But the Juvey Cop didn't pay attention to that. He focused on the look of the person. Red hair, pale skin, Asian.

"So, how are you?" He said, staring at him. The didn't say anything, but by the look on his face it was obvious he didn't want to say anything. "What were you doing on the day the unwinds escaped?"
"I- I was at the store! I- I wanted t- to but my grandma a c- cake! You know, f- for a surprise!" He nervously explained. "B- but then I heard s- something outside, and-"
"Bullshit!" The Juvey cop said, slamming his hands down on the table. That shut up the kid, who stared at him, even more fearful then before. "You're an unwind, aren't you!?"
"No! I'm n- not!" He replied.
"You are! Tell me the truth!" He screamed back. The kid was shaking.
"I- I'm just a regular citizen!" He said. The Juvey cop paused. He took out his taser, and turned it on.
"Listen up, kid. I would feel very horrible if I had to do this to you." He replied. The kid stared, as his breathing became heavy. "Just tell me the truth, and I wouldn't have to use it."
"No! I'm n- not an unwind!" He said. The cop stood up, and approached him. "Please! Please I'm not an unwind! Don't do this!!!" He stuck it into his side. The kid jolted, shaking as tears fell from his eyes. His started to hyperventilate. "PLEASE STOP PLEASE!!!"
"TELL ME THE TRUTH!!!" The cop yelled, sticking it in his side again. He screamed, and sobbed, his head falling as he desperation tried to free himself from the chair.
"I know where they are!" He said. The cop stopped, and sat back down. The kid stared at the table, regret filling his eyes.
"Tell me." He replied. The kids breathing became heavy.
"I- I..." he started. He bit his lip. "Why should I tell you!?" The cop sighed. He picked up his walkie-talkie.
"Bring in the sign up files." He said. The kids eyes filled with panic. His partner walked in, giving him a file. He opened it up as he left. He started to cackle.
"W- what..?" The kid replied.
"Oh don't act like you don't know." He responded. He picked up a small thing from inside the folder. "Now, what do you say that we get this little thing sorted out."
"No! Please don't!" He said, trying to free himself form the chair. He was even more panicked then before, and he started to shriek.
"Aw come on, this little thing can't hurt you, right... Kanai?"

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