9. Anka

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Anka watched as Shaun fell asleep. After that, she desperately tried to reach his shoe, where he had put the keys to her cuffs. Vigorously trying to reach far enough, but she was completely unsuccessful.

She was trying to act all nice around him so she could use him. He seemed like a gullible guy, but a useful asset. Mostly for the pickpocketing he had presented with the cop. Plus, he seemed to be pretty street smart, even though she was already like that.

She paused, staring at the sun rise. She hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep that night. The only way she would have enough strength was for her to go to sleep. Even though she needed that key, she needed rest more. She closed her eyes, letting herself drift off into peace.

"Hey! Wake up!" Someone said, shaking her. She awoke to see Shaun smirking, holding the handcuffs in one of his hands. She sat up, looking at her hands. Yet again, she was free. "Alright, it's mid day. Right now, we're on the highway. Let's do this."
"Sure. Whatever." She replied. They stood up, and raced to the front of the bus. Shaun locked the mans hands in the cuffs, and threw him out of the seat into one of the passenger ones. Quickly, he sat down, beginning to drive. Though it was very sloppy. "Do you have your drivers license!?" She asked.
"Actually, yeah, just never driven a bus before." He said, sort of swerving the bus back and forth. "We're gonna crash it. Where do you want to target?"

She paused, looking around at her surroundings. She smiled, seeing a limo on the street. She was always envious of the rich. They looked down at the people who couldn't afford things as easily as them. And this was her chance to get some revenge.

"That one." She pointed at the limo. Shaun gained a devious grin. He swerved into it, sending it flying. It landed upright a couple of feet in front of them. Suddenly, a semi truck swerved in front of them. Quickly, Shaun slammed on the breaks. He started hysterically laughing.
"That was sick!" He cackled. Anka also grinned, agreeing with him. He reminded her of the people she'd party with. Chaotic. Smart ass. Idiot. She paused, squinting at something in the distance coming from behind the semi truck.
"Hey, what's that?" She said, pointing to the two boys jumping out of the back. They quickly disappeared.
"We should follow them." Shaun suggested, a devilish smirk on his face. Anka responded with the same type of smile. Quickly, they jumped out of the bus, and speed walked over to the back of they semi truck. This was going to be fun.

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